SP Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Question Answer
I like the picture of kagetsu in your character profile,he's so cute there!GOOD WORK! I have a question,did kagetsu really love tiara? Because when I watch the 2nd ep.(if I'm right) kagetsu hug tiara and tiara asked kagetsu,"kagetsu do you love me? say it to me" but kagetsu said:I didn't have to say it. WHAT DOES HE MEAN? DOES KAGETSU know that lena have feelings for him? pls. answer my question I'm so confused about them! Yes, Kagetsu's picture is cute! ^_^ To answer your first question, I don't really know whether Kagetsu really loved Tiara or not. To answer guestion 2, I honestly don't know what he means. ^^;; Anime characters can be so confusing sometimes! To answer question 3 (which is something I really can answer!), no, Kagetsu does not know that Lena has feelings for him.