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Today 8.22.03

umm visit my new site...

Today 7.20.03

WoW itz been so long since i used this...i donno if i still am...i usally just post on Xanga
im just going to update everything...and thats abt it...

Today 4-24-03

Today...boring...nothing intresting to talk about at all....Phil wrote me a poem lol here it is:
Concert Choir
By Dr Phil
Choir can be very boring
Pompei can't hear me snoring
Too many wrong notes
I wouldnt stand i't on a boat with a goat
I'd rather go and play the piano
Or go over and sing soprano
Never really liked the songs
Too bad we always sing them wrong!

not bad i would say lol...gez i got a stupid 'C' in spanish...and the highest i can raise it to is a 'C' still so i have to work hard! Damn it! I love my Brian...hahaha i pants him today... in the middle of the street lol it was so funny, then he accidently elbowed my head! ouch! Well, thats all for today.

Today 4-23-03

Today i realized that i haven't said anything here many days....humm, lets see what i did today in school...
thats all....ummm...i've been thinking...isnt the color a little bright? maybe i should change the layout....i donno...
oh and just today at school at looked at the pic of mhee and i thought i should change it since its been there for so long...

Today 4-4-03

Today was nice. Tomorrow is the Cherry Blossom Festival! If Karen didnt remind me I would of totally forgotton...I wanna fair! You know all the cherry blossoms bloomed yesterday already tho...oh wellz got other things to do...

Today 4-1-03

today is April Fools day and i didnt do anything to anyone...o wellz
hahaha mwhahaha...Yes! i rasied the 'B' in history bk up to an 'A'! Yes! My Report Card say:
Choir 'A'
so not that happy abt the 'B' in spanish..but its better than the damn 'C's i uesed to its not easy learing a 3rd language. i its too much information for my brain. i already know english and chinese. stupid school dont have a damn chinese teacher to teach that. i would ace it in no time! AnyWays...I'm Back together with Brian!! for the 7th time!! i LuV HiM!

Today 3-5-03

humm another boring day u could say. i did two little presentation thing. it all went good i messed up once both times..but what can i say i HATE presenting not fair! Lindsay dont ride the bus home now and i'm all alone by myself everyday..uhh makes me so sad..but its okie..i love my Stefanie too she is always there when i need or and i is there when she needs me! yey...I'm not Bi...when i say I luv stefanie i mean bestfriend wise dude...

Today 3-4-03

urgh. my 'A' in History went down to a 'B'..i forgot to turn in a current event, i'll make it up and do it now. and hopefully it will raise me grade from a 'B' back to a 'A'!

Today 3-3-03

Tomorrow is Lindsay's b-day... I was so sleepy this morning i took a shower and i was like 'Wooie!!' skol is boring especially lunch! urgh..stef doesnt say anything really and i'm basicly talking to myself the entire time! wel welz gonna go now...oOoO but there was a good part! going home on the bus! that was good...

Today 3-2-03

im so alone at lunch now where do u all sit my starting to hate lunch its so gay, and boreing...i havent really talk to anyone that sits at my table cause no1 really has the time to talk to mhee or dey just dont like mhee...i think i'm going to sit wit Janet at lunch now...unless stef is there...

Today 3-1-03

I can't stand my parents all they do is yell at me... They think my grades are going down and but actually i have 3A's English,History, and Choir then 1C in Spanish. She is so stupid..just cause i talk on the phone alot doesnt mean my grades are going dumb shit
oh.. i forgot to say i got my dad so pissed last nite he smacked me! how evil!? No me gustan mi padre!

Today 2-28-03

why is it that some ppl tell you they will do something and they wont do it? why do they have to bring your hopes up and drop them so quickly? how come they cant just tell you that they cant go somewhere or do something?


April 10 § Brian's B-day
June 20 § Last day of school
July 11 § Stefanie's B-day
October 10 § Karam's B-day

Other Crap



who really looks at my site anyways i bascly talk to my self...

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