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The world of Neon Genesis Evangelion, often just called Evangelion, is Earth, in the year 2015, after a catstrophic event, the Second Impact. The Second Impact is generally known as a meteor that hit Antartica, but it was actually an attack by the first Angel. The Angels were not heard from for fifteen years after that, but when they reappeared, their attacks were much more frequent. They mostly targeted NERV and they seem to have no interest in other military or civilian targets. NERV is a secret agency that operates, maintains and develops the only effective weapon against the Angels, the Eva. Major governmental decisions are made by the Magi, three supercomputers named Melchior, Balthasar, and Casper. NERV headquarters is located deep under ground beneath a number of armor plates, but an angel has managed to penetrate NERV defenses on more than one occasion. An Eva is a big humanoid robot with biological characteristics. Only children who were born nine months after the Second Impact can pilot an Eva. Being able to control an Eva also depends on the ability to synchonize with it.

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"Normal" is a word that majorities use to describe themseleves.