Owner: _emii_/fadingnight
Age: 13ish
Special Markings:Ring around my tail
Word:Meh or Eek
Level:Strength: frail
Fast-ness: below average
Defence: average
HP: 9/9
Smarts: average

Ice neggs
MMMM yummy...*drools*
Ice Cave Crystals
Watch out it's sharp!
Ice Mote
Aw look at the cute face on it!
Frozen Ice Collar
I wonder how you get it on
Jagged Ice Ring
OOOO I'd wear this..if I had one!

Fire Gem
*glares evily at it*
Flamming Fire Faerie Pizza
Omg it'd be too hot to eat!
Fire Mote
The Ice mote's face is cuter!
Fire Jug
What's the point of..THIS?..
Fire Bush
You'd probably burn yourself when you try and plant it

Fan Art

O.O wow! Isnt this picture adorable?! It was drawn by digital_hawk! And guess what! They own an Ice wocky too! *dances around happily*
Looky! Danorria's Owner drew me! This is my first Fan art! Ow I love it! *squeezes the picture tightly* Thank-you Darktigger13
This amazing picture here was drawn by x_princess_star_x! I absolutly adore the background! And the picture its self! ^_^ Thank-you! :D
Ice_salute drew me another picture but this time of Shirroh! Thank-you soo much! I love it! The pose is pretty funky too! ^__^  I really owe you one!
kiko_luver316 drew me this a long time ago but I never got around to putting it up..hmm, well all in all it's a fabulous! And may I add, you made me very cute too!
Darkgirrl29 is too kind to me! she draws me soo many pictures of faykah and now shirroh! I feel so bad! Anyways! Look at the amazing background! It's so good! And she has all my markings right *frames picture* This is
Haid thank-you so much for this cute sprite! ^_^ Haid is one of my best friends and she draws so cutely!! :D (haid or shoyru4444444) I look so innocent and clueless! Such good expression! Thank-you!
*grins broadly* Shoyru drew me another picture..for christmas!!! Thank-you and a merry christmas to you too! Goodness, I sure owe alot of these people thank-you pictures!

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Link To Me!


.::The wind blows viciously against your soft skin. It howls and the snow swirls around you making it hard to see clearly. A small wocky with ice climbing up its legs and ears walks calmly towards you. His eyes, a deep blue and sparkling look into yours. Suddenly the blizzard softens, the snow begins to settle and the winds begin to blow less and less hard until finally it's all over::..

You are probably wondering why I look like this aren't you stranger? *You nod* Well Lets just say I remember looking like this since as long as I can remember, I may be the last although I am not sure.

It all began when I was a young wocky. I was playing just outside our cave when my father came running out. He told me it was important that I left my toys behind and run. I was confused but I did as my father said. I dropped my toys and ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. He told me that my mother had already left and she would meet us at Reba’s cave (Reba was our leader and worshiper). As we ran it all finally clicked. This is what we had been practicing for since I was just born. The mutant wockies had found a way in to the ice world. All ice creatures had feared the mutant wockies for their un-controllable behaviour and their awful attitudes. As my father and I began to get nearer to Reba’s cave you could see miles and miles of other ice creatures scampering towards the same destination as us, word had gotten around quickly.


We were all surrounded around Reba as he explained what we had to do. We all had to leave our small cozy homes in this land and create a new civilization in a new world. Sad faces suddenly filled the room and tears began to fall. He told us we had to be strong and go pack our belongings. Before we left he exclaimed that if the mutants were to catch word of this, our kind would surely be doomed. We were to meet at Spring Point at sun fall.


All of our stuff was packed. Our home seemed lonely without any artwork hung on the now bare walls. My mother, father and I all grabbed our things and began on our way to Spring Point. It was very difficult getting there because we constantly had to hind from being seen by the mutants. One time, we all had to dash up a tree because we were just that close to a mutant wocky seeing us. Finally we arrived at Spring Point along side thousands of other ice creatures. There was a sudden hush as Reba stepped up onto a near by boulder. He began to tell us the procedure of getting into the next world safely, but right in the middle of his speech we heard footsteps coming up over the hill.


Reba panicked and began sending people one by one into a portal he conjured up, sending them into the new world. I looked over the hill to see an army of mutants all coming towards us. Faster and faster ice creatures began to disappear into the portal. I squeezed my parents' hands tight and told them I loved them. My mother began to cry got onto one knee and told me if anything happened to me she would try her hardest to find me again. There was still an about 1/8 of our population left to go through the portal but it was too late the mutants plunged towards us. An uproar of screams let out and everyone was fighting off the mutants. Reba let as many people as he could through the portal without any of the mutant getting in as well.


I was suddenly swept off me feet and dangled over the shoulder of a mutant. I was screaming for my parents to help but they couldn't hear me over the screams of the fighting. Everything seemed to go quiet, tears streamed down my face as I saw the last two families go through the portal. Mine was last, I saw my mother reach down looking for my hand to grab, she then screamed and turned around realizing I wasn't there. She spotted me out and began to run towards me but was stopped by my father's hand grabbing hers. She looked at him and explained I wasn't there pointed to me being carried away by the mutant; I could see the fear in her eyes. My father looked in my direction and dragged him and my mother into the portal waving good-bye to me, Reba followed them. Slowly the portal closed, little by little. I got a sudden adrenalin rush and sprinted out of the mutants grip running the fastest I have ever run before in my life. I sprinted towards the portal and leaped through it five seconds before it closed.


I landed with a soft "thump" on a comfortable bed. I opened my eyes expecting to see all of the ice creatures all huddled together, I mean I did end up making it through the portal, where was everyone. I looked around at my new surroundings and saw laying beside me a young girl with soft brown hair sleeping.


I've been with _emii_ since that horrible day. She promised to do whatever she could to help me find my parents and colony; we have traveled far and wide but still have found no sign of them anywhere.

Family & Friends

Kaetek is my oldest sister. We look a little alike because of the "flames" we both have climbing our legs...even though she's a lupe and I'm a wocky...I dunt know where that came from, anyways mate is Navate. He's a skunk lupe and his owner is Emii's best friend.
Via_Reve is my second oldest sister and is a sun lupess. She's "mateless" but has lots of friends! Via is also looking for some one else like her but, like me isn't yet successful.
Lakquaro is my forest wocky cousin. He is sooooo extremely clumsy it's not healthy. Lakquaro and I are Emii's favorite pets. We get drawn the most (although not all the picture are on our sites) and we pampered the most as well.

Kiziy's my best friend. He's an ice poogle. The unique thing about him is his eyes. They are firey red which is odd since he's ice. He and Navate (Kaetek's mate) both have the same owner, who is Emii's best friend.
Haid184neo is a dark ice wocky. We look a lot a like and a lot different at the same time. Shes a really nice wocky with a great sense of humour.
Danorria is one of my close friends. Shes the wocky of the sun! (hey via you catch that?) We've been friends for a while and she seemed to be the only one that understood when I said I wasnt interested in a mate a while back. She's so nice and easy going! *blushes*

More coming soon. Neomail _emii_ for costume made ones!

Costume Made Adoptables

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