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Escaflowne Episodes


episode2.jpg Segment 1: Van and Hitomi are surrounded by a group of wolf men. The leader of them steps into the light and sees Van. Seeing this, Van smiles. Later, the group of them are headed down a path on yaks. The wolf men are surprised to find out that Hitomi is from earth, known as the Phantom or Illusionary Moon on Gaea. Upon looking at the earth, Hitomi sees another vision, this time of an invisible entity on a city street. They arrive at Fanelia, a large town between a group of mountains. As they arrive, a large group of townspeople cheer. Van jumps off the top of the animal and is greeted by Merle, a cat like girl. Hitomi remains atop the beast watching in amazement. Four armored men, the samurais of Fanelia step out from the crowd to greet Van. Seeing this, Merle steps back in the crowd. Van holds the red stone above his head and proclaims that he has defeated the Dragon and obtained a Dragu-Energist. Amazed, the four samurai bow. Later, large armored suits with men inside, called 'Melefs' walk around, preparing for a tournament. In a room above, Hitomi puts on her school uniform. She opens the window and leans on the windowsill, thinking of Yukari and Amano while staring at her pendant. Suddenly, Merle hops down from the floor above, scaring Hitomi. Merle tells Hitomi not to get too close to Van, then starts going through Hitomi's dufflebag, throwing her things all over the place. She notices Hitomi's pendant and steals it, Merle runs down the hall with Hitomi in pursuit. On the way, Hitomi runs by a open door and stops. Inside, Van is practicing swordfighting with Vargas, one of the 4 Samurai. Van lunges at Vargas with his sword, but Vargas blocks and knocks Van away with ease. Vargas tells Van that he isn't doing a good enough job attacking him. Van says he doesn't want to hurt people, to which Vargas replies saying that the King of Fanelia shouldn't be so timid. He notices Hitomi at the door and she apologizes for peeping. Merle, who is right near her throws Hitomi's pendant back at her and runs in the room to hug Van. Vargas tells Hitomi that after the coronation ceremony they'll find a way to bring her home. Heading home, the wolfmen notice something weird, but seeing nothing continue on. It is an invisible cloaked giant, that stands nearby. Segment 2: In a large ceremony, Van is presented with a sword. Meanwhile, a couple of guards on a landing talking about the upcoming ceremonies notice a weird sight down the path near town. Suddenly, a cloak moves to the side revealing a large metal arm, that shoots a sort of liquid metal killing them and chopping through the wall. Then the metal returns back into the arm and it hides back under the cloak, becoming invisible once more. Then, the invisible giants start walking towards Fanelia, the ground shaking and large footprints appearing as they go. A group of guards run up to the gate in shock and one of them is crushed when stepped on by one of them. Watching from afar, the crowd at the coronation work in shock. A guard rides up to them on horseback announcing the enemy attack. Vargas tells the 3 other samurais to get in their melefs and tells Van to head to the shrine with Hitomi and escape with Escaflowne if necessary. Crowds of people run to the mountains in terror. Meanwhile, the invisible giants slaughter the Fanelia Guymelefs with their metal claws. One of the samurais, hidden in an alley watches in shock. He runs out to the street to be scewered from behind and dies. The second samurai quickly befalls the same fate. The third samurai charges the invisible giant only to be impaled as well by the metal claws. As the Fanelia Guymelefs are slaughtered by the invisble forces, Vargas pulls out a large sword. Meanwhile, in the shrine Van uses his sword to slice open his finger and lets his blood flow into the Dragu-Energist. He then holds it above his head and announces himself as king, asking for help from Escaflowne. As the ground around him glows, a large stone slab above him cracks and a large white Guymelef from inside falls before Van. Hitomi recognizes this as the Guymelef from her vision. Van takes the Dragu-Energist and places it inside of a translucent red crystal on Escaflowne. Van says he's going to fight and gets inside. Van tells Hitomi to hide as one of the invisible giants enters the shrine. Van pulls out Escaflowne's sword, prepared to battle. Hitomi warns Van where it will attack from and Van just narrowly avoids 3 metal claws shot at him. Using the sword he slashes them apart then follows the part returning to the Guymelef and slices apart the invisible cloak, revealing a Guymelef underneath. The Guymelef's metal forms into a large claw to attack with, but Van blocks its attacks and slices its arm off. Hitomi notices another invisible Guymelef behind Van and tries to warn him. Luckily, Vargas jumps into the room and chops off the Guymelef's arm himself. Van tears apart the Guymelef's invisible cloak then blocks it's attack. Using it's other arm, the Guymelef forms a sword and attacks, but Vargas blocks that. Vargas pushes the Guymelef back and pushes his sword through the Guymelef's headpiece. Van is attacked by the other Guymelef but knocks it over. Van steps outside, and is shocked to find the entire village burned to the ground, with Fanelia Guymelefs laying trashed all over the place. Van yells to Vargas to withdraw, but the knocked over Guymelef aims it's arms and impales Vargas with it's metal claw. Vargas tells Van to escape and dies. 4 other Guymelefs reveal themselves and surround Van. Hitomi screams, and her pendant glows, along with the large red stone on Escaflowne, causing a column of light, much like the one in the previous episode to transport them away.