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My Deck
My Trades
Card of the Day
Card News
Game Shop

Fan Fics
Fan Pics

Show News
Episode Guide

Forbidden Memories
Playstation 2


Contact Me

I added an Online Store. At the moment the only way of payment is if you mail the check/money order to me. Soon I will have Credit Card and PayPal up.

Old News

I split the fan fics into a fan's section with pics and fics (hehe that rhymes!)


AH HA! I told you I'd do something drastic, and you didn't believe me, did ya? I changed the entire link contents on the side. Now I'm going to get the Card of the Day back online (being that it's been 5 months since the last one :-D).


I keep jumping on and off the site doing little things. I hope to do something drastic in the near future, but no promises as I usually get either frustrated because I can't do something or get bored and quit. Wish me luck this time :-D.

I fixed the top picture on everypage because the old picture server that held that died.


WOW!I haven't been on this for so long! And much has happened to me in the past few months! Sorry About this long delay...I got a scanner and will begin making card scans shortly.

I temperaraly took down the Card of the Day because I'm scanning all the pictures in. If you see a picture where there should be a card just hang on it'll be there soon.


I added my list of cards to the "Cards" Section. I also was doing small things around the site, so I might have seemed that I wasn't working on it. I'll also be working on "My Trades" section. It'll take me awhile since I have so many cards to add.


Alright, I'm not going to post when I make a new Card of the Day here. You'll just have to go there and find out if I do or not. I added a Contact Me link at the bottom of the links on all the pages.


I added the Swords of Revealing Light as the new Card of the Day, but Mist didn't give me her ratings, so I don't have an average for it yet. Keep checking up on it because I probably won't post here when I change that.


Well after a short vacation from editing my site, I'm back. I added the card of the day along with the Training link. The training will be on Duel Monster about how to play up to becoming a Master Duelist. The Card of the Day today is the Shadow Ghoul, partly because of today's Yu-Gi-Oh! episode.


I added the "My Trades" Section and Password-Protected the "My Deck" Section so that my opponents can't snoop into my stategies, only my friends can! (Click Here if you want to try to get the passwords!)


I changed the site layout and added pictures as the links. You can now click on the "Unofficial Site" at the top to take you to this homepage. I also added Video Game Section to the side bar and added the consoles, along with the T.V. Shows, Characters, and Episode Guide.


This site is no where near done! Please keep checking back as I will be adding pictures and updating how the site looks!