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Konnichiwa minna-san! Welcome to DragonRose! ^^
This is a site dedicated to Kurama and Hiei of Yu Yu Hakusho!!! We hope you enjoy your stay. ^^
Warning!!--This site contains spoilers!

Site Blog >>>

24.9.02- I finally wrote my own fanfic XD! Check it out! And don't laugh...-_-;;

17.9.02- OMG!! I've been sooooo friggen busy! It's crazy I tell you! Buuuut I did get a new fanart for all you guys and gals to check out. I'm sorry I haven't updated the site...I..I...gomen nasai -_-;; I'll try to be on more often!!

1.9.02- Gah i havent been here in a while >_< There is a new pic of the month coming soon!! -N

19.8.02- New poll up!! Please vote ^^ And YYH was NOT new..¬¬ but hopefully there will be a new one soon! It was worth watching anyway!! -N

17.8.02- Yu Yu Hakusho is on tonight! (the FUNimation dubbed of course..not as good as the original...but hey...I'll settle for it! XP) I hope it's a new's been over a month since the last new one..X0 It comes on Cartoon Network at 11pm Eastern time. (for people who did not know) I'll be watching! I hope you will too! ^^

16.8.02- *does happy dance* Gallery is up! Check it out pleeeeeeease!!! And there is also a new fan-art in...guess where? The fan-art section! Yaayyy!! YYH comes on tomorrow...have you got your tapes ready?! lol

15.8.02- Oh my GOSH!! I finally finished naming all the pix, and i have ALL the group pictures took up so much time and space its CRAZY!!! I'll have it up later tonight... -N

14.8.02- Whoa it's been a while! I've been working about 3 days a week on the upcoming these pictures and sorting them one by one takes a loooong time Oo;; YYH was a repeat of the first episode last saturday, hopefully we'll be able to see a new one soon ¬¬ -N

8.8.02- Yay! I'm back and we have a new award! ^^ Please be sure to check out the sites that belong to the nice people who have awarded us!! Thank you! I apologize if the site did not show up yesterday, angelfire's server was down X_X Working on the gallery right now! It should be up soon! ^^ Keep checkin in! I have over 100 great pix!! -N

4.8.02- YYH came on last night!! Yay!!! Too bad it was a repeat. ¬¬ I also now have both YYH movies. I ordered them through Amazon and they finally came! (I've watched them 5 times so far ^^) OK, on to business...I have added a new pic to the fan-art section, the first Hiei one! XD I am steadily searching for new pictures to add to my collection so I can get the gallery up soon. I've decided that that is my first priority (the villian page can wait b/c no one cares about them XP lol j/k...). Well that's all for now. -N

2.8.02- The 'link to us' page is now up! ^^ It took me long enough...grr stupid boomspeed trying to slow me down!! Hehe! I'm working hard to try and get the gallery up ASAP...but it's just takin me a lil bit. I hope to add more fan-art too, basically my own fan-art until people send me theirs! ¬¬ -N

1.8.02- GAH! I just found out that is shutting down >.< So I'll have to get a new guestbook and messageboard....arg that was short-lived...the new guestbook is up and i transferred the the signatures to it. The 'Link to Us' section will be up as soon as I make some more banners. That's all for now ^^ -N

31.7.02- We officially have a guestbook! *does a lil dance* Yay! And I also added a counter on the 'enter' page. Soon we will have a message board too! I also mailed Anime Analyze and they said they would add us to their list of YYH links! Way awesome I think... -N

30.7.02- Added some new ideas for links and stuff to the top of the page. Finished all bio pages (including our own ^^) I added a Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, Botan, Koenma, and Genkai smaller bio page. Not as thorough as Kurama's and Hiei's but it'll do! THAT definitely took a while! I also finished the 'about' page. In the meantime I am looking for something to help me start setting up a picture gallery. Oo; That might be a little bit! I will have the villian page up soon, but for now I added the Pic of the Month! XD More links up soon! Promise! -N

28.7.02- Blog up and ready ^^ My bio page finished. Misha still needs to give me the majority of her info. Added a new welcome pic and made both mine and Misha's profile pictures. Added Kurama's and Hiei's bios. Created the site e-mail account. The stuff under the welcome picture are links and features I plan to add in the very near future! -N

27.7.02- Site was created! Yay! ^_^ Basic layout finished and welcome pictures were modifyed. Bio pages up soon. -N

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Here is an award for our site from a very nice RPG friend of mine! Thank you!! ^^

And this is from a very nice girl who also runs a cool site! Thank you!! ^^ Check it out!

disclaimer- This site was created and is maintained by the webmasters Namika and Misha and is only intended for fan purposes. The manga/anime Yu Yu Hakusho including its characters Kurama and Hiei is a property of Yoshihiro Togashi and whoever claims to be its rightful owner. The webmaster is not liable for any offense that this page may cause. All Rights Reserved 2002.