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Which Sorcerer Hunter Are You?

You know.....

Which Sorcerer Hunter are you?
What's Up, Guys?

Which of the following is most important to you?

Your Darling
finding someone else like you
my body

How do you dress normally?

Long cloaks or dresses...but sometimes black leotards and bondage gear.
Anything comfortable..mostly light colors
Shirts that are way too big for me, sweatpants and boots
DAAAAAAARLING, TAKE ME! ...wait, what?
La la la...short skirts and tank tops...little ballet slippers ^^
Jeans. Leather. Bah.

Do you often get into trouble or mischief?

Heh heh heh. Who wants to know?
Trouble? ::blink blink:: No.
Do I have to answer that?! ::blush::
::evil laughter:: Only when I'm with my Darling.
Nah. I like pestering people though. Meehee.
Dammit, no! I mean...well, sorta...

What's your ideal date like?

Moonlit walk on the beach ::sigh::
Lights dimmed, watching a movie, all the normal romantic things.
Are you sure you wanna know? ::sly grin::
Bed. ::snicker::
Sitting in the clouds, singing and having fun
Wrestling match or dinner at a fancy restaurant

What is (are) your favorite color (s)?

Red and Black
Black and white
PINK! No, white, no, blue, no, orange...

What's your favorite TV show/movie/channel?

Lord of the Rings
The Playboy channel
The Powerpuff Girls

Please make sure you've answered all the questions!
Code adapted from colleen’s quiz tutorial

lalala....COUNTER NEWS

Last time, MeigetsuChan got to 50...but she still hasn't told me what she wants. Hurry! The mighty Zim grows impatient.

See the lil' counter thingy? Ye who's number 256 gets a present. ^^ Any picture you like...'cept nothing pervy. I'll tell you what I can do...
* = I like doing these ^-^
-Invader ZIM****
-Sorcerer Hunters****
-Sailor Moon
-Marysues >.<;;;
But I cannot draw you as a Marysue...doing your favorite character. No. Thank you. You're welcome.
Also, PLEEEEASE TELL ME IF YOU ARE THE ___th PERSON! I HATE going here and finding out that the last person didn't email me! Aaaargh! ><

OH YES! and please, while you're here....

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......sign the guestbook. ^_~

THE MIGHTY LINKS OF THE IRKEN EMPIRE ::insert evil laugh here::

ehe. -_-;;; um, mostly me being hyper
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