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Read 'Dokiri'

Read 'Dokiri'

To read 'Dokiri' there are several rules you have to follow (I'm sorry but it's for your own good!).

1. Please don't copy my pages.
2. If you would like to use my pages for a purpose please
contact me before you using them.
3. If you have any requests / additions / fan mail / fan art please
mail them to me.

If you are done with reading the rules than you can proceed to the Manga. BEWARE there can be some shocking violence in it (some individuals get shot and so on...). Especially part3!!

Or read the pages individually:

Part 1: "Stone of Responsabillity" (Completed!)

Page 1

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Page 11
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Page 13
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(Part one is now finished)

Part 2: "The world knows no mercy. Occasionally me neither..." (Completed!)

Frontpage (Colour)
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
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Page 24
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Page 28

(Part two is now finished)

Part 3: "Let me go or I'll kill you!!"
(Far from completed)

Frontpage (Colour)
Page 1
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Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7 NEW
Page 8 NEW
Page 9 NEW
Page 10 NEW
Page 11 NEW
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Toni Productions © 2002