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Hello! Welcome to The Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha Webring. This ring was created in hopes of linking all the awesome sites related to Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha so that it may be easily accessed by fans and those seeking to know more about them. ^__^ If you've got a Sess or Inuyasha related site, then don't forget to join! :) Take a look around and if you have any questions, feel free to [email] me~

:: Info and Rules :: Info about the ring and some guidelines.
:: Join the Ring :: Fill out this simple form and add your site to the webring.
:: HTML Code :: The code that you'll need to place on your site. Both graphic and non-graphic codes available.

:: Ring List :: View all the current active sites in the ring.
:: Statistics :: View the statistics of the sites in the ring.

For existing members: If you would like to edit or change your site's info like the URL and such, you can go to [] and do it there. To log in, use the following info:
[Ring ID] : sess
[Site ID] : your site number, given to you through email upon submission.
[Password] : whichever you used when you submitted your site to the ring.

If you should decide to join the ring, your webgraphic would appear on your site as follow:

[ << | Ijirashii & Nagai Kihaku | >> ]

-Webring Established 2/02/03-
[A part of ~Baka Youkai~]: Click on banner for the shrine's main.