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The Car Story

OMG, You would not believe what I am about to tell you! For those of you who go to Newl Hyaundi, do NOT purchase a car there!

Day 1

A couple of weeks ago, me, my biology teacher and a few other students went to this hyaundi place to buy a car for a certain kind of survey being held at school next month. My teacher, Mr. Muller, made a deal of $316 a month on lease to get the car and have it delivered two weeks afterwards. The lady he made a deal with made him sign a couple of papers. She starts talking about what comes with the car and such and brings back some paper work. She starts talking about how he wanted to pay for the car and Mr. Muller decided he wanted to pay with his credit card. He had to pay $1,000 dollars in advance and the rest later on once the car is delivered. Mr. Muller gave the lady 1,000's for the car. She then came back with another kind of paper work with information on the lease and payments. On the paper, it said the amount that must be payed every month was $366. At that moment, Mr. Muller argued with the lady that, that was not what the deal he made was. The lady had began telling him that $366 was what it was worth and Mr. Muller got into an long arguement. Finally the lady told him that it was the manager who wrote out the payment and it wasnt her fault. My teacher was glaring at the lady and told her that she was the one he made a deal with and should change it. It wasn't until about 20 minutes later when the lady finally agreed and changed the price. The lady told us that we needed to come back the next day to pick up certain paperwork and we agreed and left.

Day 2

We arrive at the car place the next day and the lady happened to not be there at the moment. My teacher asked the manager, who happened to be at the front register, for the paperwork that he came for. The manager had told Mr. Muller that we didn't need any paper work and only come just to pick up the car. "...What the hell?", I said to myself. None of us understood why the lady had told us to return for some paperwork. we didn't even need to do anything.

Well, thats all for now!

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