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Spar V20 is the current project

Element - 7/20/02
In my last update (the 18th) I posted what to expect of Spar V2.0, I ow have remade it, and heres what it should look like: Spar V2.0. Me and Viper have started working on it, and we will try to fix up the Affiliates images, since when transfered to AOL they get blury. Please vote on the pole, and feal free to send me comments about the lay-out.
Other than the big news, WE NEED STAFF! Spar is moving at a slow rate due to the lack of staff. We need more Executive Vices and a few Animators for the site. You must have some HTML experience through other sites. If you checked the FAQ, I said Spar was due to open on the 23rd of May. Thats long passes, so the new goal is to finish spar before the 9/1/02. Of course, we will be working on more index and working on a better lay-out, but dont worry, we'll stick with this 1 for a while. And BTW, Viper is the 1 that accaly taught me websites, (read the About, the 'Gogeta (viper) and Vegettos (me) RPG' was our 1st, although iper made pracicly the whole thing until I learned how he did it, read up on HTML, and made a new site. I'll sve the storys for the About, but check out the new lay-out and vote on the pole so I no what to think. And other than that Im outta words, so heres those 2 words, C-ya LaterZ!

I'm Back!

Viper - 7/19/02

hi I'm the new Vice President, Viper. The RPG is not finished but will be up soon. We are still looking for more staff members.If anybody out there has a site affiliate with us please!! The planets Page is up but not yet available to the RPG members. well thats all the time I have for now cause I have to g to a B-day party so CYAZ!!

Element - 7/18/02
After 2 months, I am finaly back (no thanks to Evercrack.) I've been doin a few things as I've been gone, and its finaly (or its been for a bit) summer vacation. But before I go into any storys, I should explain whats been going on.
1st off (I want everybody to note) I have changed by Screen Name to Element1669, so I wont be usin DC4Ever2001 forever. I will soon update all of the forms to be sent to me, but for now, I have to finsh up the site. Another thing thats going on is that I've been workin on some animations. You can check them out here. I am also going to put in a anti-right click, in which doesnt have a pop-up for all of those who no how to get through it. I will also install a anti-right click for those with Netscape and IE. Other than the 5 animatios I've done (1st 3 suck, yes, and the other 2 need ok), I've also done some drawing of Goku. You can see them after I posed up the Fan Art section (no right click on that page.)
As you all can see, Spar is not done yet. Expect the site to be finished in a few months. But good sites are also never finished, so expect more things in the furture. Also, I'm going to add in a Enter page, so in a week, if yu ener the site, dont wonder what happened to the site if it says Enter in big letters (obviously.) I've also already started the Lay-out of Spar V2.0, you can check out what its going to look like here. It wont be up until its finished, so you wont have a delay in anything. I am also lookin for staff members for the site to help me finish. Being a staff member means you get to choose your Character for the RPG, but only if your a Vice or Executive Vice (the rest cant be major characters.) Dont be afraid to send me IM's or send me your site.
Other than posting this update, changing my sn, going animations and drawings, and workin on the new lay-out...nothing else has been done, so thats all for the 2 months updates, c-ya LaterZ!

Moving n to the RPG Section

SSJ3 Gotenks - 5/16/02
Sorry for not updating yestarday, I was uploading the gifs (and you can check them out so far here: Gifs 1 & Gifs 2).
What the big news today is that I'm going to skip info nd medi and just move on to the RPG section. I will make the applacation form first so you may veiw the characters, but no submit button will be made since I don't want any joining members yet (but I will record my character 1st, hehe) since I am going to post this site up on other sites and unleash it to the rest of the public. I now have 4 submitions (one of them is like my friends site,I don't have the url to his site yet, but I wil pos it up soon), ad I will post them all up on a seperate page soon (I still need 1 more good one).
I am now excepting staff members, but I really wish that you have some site experience. I can't just give out the job. If you do join, you andaother elected person (Exc. Pres) are going to finish up the rest of the section as I work on te RPG. Its a starting job ad it pays off. I will also let the staff members each put in their own ideas on the fighting style, so theirs a possiblility of more than 5 choices. Thats all for todays (and yestardays) updates, LaterZ!

Finished Up Main Section

SSJ Vegeta - 5/14/02
I finished up the main section, an it looks nice. I'm ganna start on the Info section after school, but right now I have to finish up the commingsoon page. I now have 3 different ideas sent in, and I still need 2 more good ones. If you have any more ideas, please send them in. Thats all for todays short update, LaterZ!

Started on FAQ Section and Almost finished Join the Staff

SSJ Trunks - 5/13/02
I started on the FAQ section, which is realy easy, just have to post up the faq section. I am almost done with the Join the Staff age, just need to fix up a few more things. I also added some Top Sites, as you can see so you can check those out. I am still taking in suggestions. Thats all for todays updates, LaterZ!

Finished Staff and Affiliates Pages

SSJ Gohan - 5/12/02
Im still working on the main section of the site. The affiliates page is finished and I finished the staff page. Im having a bit of trouble with the forms (trying to give them a yellow border) but it realy isn't working. I should finish it by the ed of the day, but nothing is certain. I've also gotten a few questions saying "If its finised were are the links?". ts because I'm not opening any links until the site is finished. I still need more fighting ideas, so PLEASE SEND THEM IN! ( But before anybody gets their hopes up, you must have AOL or aim (downloaded at WWW.AIM.COM, its free) or you can pick up a aol rom at your local stores (grocery stores, target, etc.) And even though the 'Join the Staff' section isn't up, I could se a picture maker. I need 3 either way, and I have 1. You must have a picture program (spacificly adobe or paint shop pro, just search Paint Shop Pro and download it for free). Andthats basicly it for updates, LaterZ!

Pages Added

SSJ Goku - 5/11/02
I finished up the staff, join the staff, and affiliation pages. I'm also having a friend, MikeBHouse help me out with images and that. He has some experience, so it should be good. Suggestions are still being sent in, and I only have 2 good ones right now. Thats basicly it for today, LaterZ!


::Become One::


::Become One::

::Become One::

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