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Name: Raven (real name unknown)

Age: 14 in CC, 18 in GF

Hair Color: Gray/Black

Eye Color: Purple/Violet

Gender: Male

Zoid: Saber Tiger/Geno Saurer/Geno Breaker


Raven appears in both Zoids Chaotic Century and Guardian Force. His parents were killed by Ambient, the organoid partner of Hiltz. When Raven tried to attack Ambient, he was knocked out and lost his memory. Raven was found by Van's father, but later taken by Prozen to be trained to be a great Zoid warrior. Raven blamed Zoids for the death of his parents, and vowed to destroy them all. He received Shadow as a gift from Prozen, then later he and Shadow left to fulfill Raven's dream. He became Van's rival, and later got a new Zoid, the Geno Saurer, after his Saber Tiger was destroyed in a battle against Van. Though Raven managed to beat Van at first, his Geno Saurer was destroyed in another battle with Van when the Blade Liger's blades cut through his charged particle gun. Shadow managed to save Raven, and he was not seen again until four years later. When Raven is 18, he first appears wandering around mindlessly, destroying bases with the help of Shadow. Raven "awakens" when he meets Van in battle and gets his old Zoid back, the Geno Saurer, which was revived by Ambient and Hiltz (which is why the Geno Breaker is red. Ambient revived the Saurer, altered it a bit, and made it partly red). Raven basically devastates the Guardian Force until Shadow decides that it's time for the Saurer to evolve. The Geno Saurer then evolved into the Geno Breaker, and Raven went on a rampage with his new Zoid. The Geno Breaker is very, very strong, but uses a lot of energy, so its average fighting time is 180 seconds. Raven won the first battle against Van and the Guardian Force after he had gotten the Geno Breaker. Unfortunately, Hiltz was planning to kill the winner of that battle. When Raven and Van were fighting again, Hiltz used the Death Stinger to shoot a charged particle beam at Raven, and Shadow recieved a fatal hit. Raven then returned to his old home, where Shadow died. Afterwards, he confronted Hiltz, who was piloting the Death Stinger, and tried to stop him. Raven lost though, and Hiltz was about to kill him when Riece arrived, and figured out that Hiltz didn't need either of them. Hiltz shot a charged particle beam and destroyed Riece's Geno Saurer and badly damaged Raven's Geno Breaker. Raven and Riece survived, and formed a kind of an alliance so they could get Shadow back and get back at Hiltz. Riece then led Raven to the Zoid Eve, where he found Shadow, now alive again.


Raven is tough, cold, smart, and doesn't care who dies just as long as he destroys all of the Zoids. His cold attitude is a product of his painful past. He never gives up and fights hard. He cares only for Shadow and his Zoid, and really wants to kill Van. He is a very good, talented Zoid pilot, and he often gets the upper-hand when he battles Van. Raven has beat everyone he has ever fought except for Van a few times. He listens to no one and never takes orders from anybody, but he did work for Prozen for a while. He doesn't like Riece because she bothers him a lot, but later joins up with her to get back at Hiltz. Raven and Riece seem to actually become "friends" so they can both get back at Hiltz.
