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Episode 2. The Mysterious Fiona

Van takes the girl and Zeke back to the Wind Colony to meet his sister. Along the way, Van manages to learn that the girl's name is Fiona, but she doesn't remember much and is very confusing. Van introduces Fiona and Zeke to his sister, Maria, and Maria finds out that Fiona has very good eyesight. Then Van and Fiona go and meet the village elder and the priest, and leave rather quickly.

Meanwhile, the bandits that attacked Van earlier plan to steal Zeke, and two of them go off, in Molgas, with Viola, in a Redler, to the Wind Colony. When they get there they shoot at the village and demand that the silver dragon Zoid (Zeke) be brought to them or they will destroy the village. The people of the Wind Colony gather together and Maria tells Viola that the silver Zoid went with Van out of the Colony. The bandits take Maria hostage and appoint the elder and the priest the job of bringing Zeke to them in exchange for Maria.

Van and Fiona get to an oasis and Fiona asks Van many annoying questions. Then she sees that smoke is coming from the village. They go back there and find out what happened. The villagers take Zeke, and Fiona stops Zeke from running when Van tells him to, and stop Van from going and fighting the bandits in the Shield Liger. Van is tied up and Fiona watches him, but doesn't help. When Van escapes she just follows him. Van can't figure Fiona out so he gives up. Later, the elder and the priest bring Zeke to Viola. They try to take back Maria when she's going over to the priest and elder, but Zeke stops them. One of the bandits captures Zeke and then Van arrives. He starts to fight the Molgas and the Redler, but he isn't doing that well without Zeke. Fiona prays and somehow wakes Zeke up.

Zeke fuses with the Liger and heals all of the damage. Then the Liger proceeds to beat up all of its opponents, forcing them to retreat. Later, Van, Fiona, and Zeke leave to go on a journey. Maria, the priest, and the elder talk about how Zeke has great power that should not fall into the hands of either the Republic or Empire, Van's father died to protect the village, and how Van might be in the position to protect much more than his father.


"Does that mean I'm called Fiona?" -Fiona
"That's just her way of showing she likes you." -Van Freiheit
"You haven't stopped asking me questions since we left the village!" -Van Freiheit
"The easy way out would be to just give them Zeke, but I don't think we should do that." -Van Freiheit
