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Garage Sale Tips

.+.Have a lot of stuff to sell. I'm talking not just cheap little toys. Like maybe old furniture and other things like that.Before you have one you should wait 'till you have many things to sell.

.+.I also realized that you should never put price tags on items. This helps you sell your items better. Why? because this way the costumers don't feel too limited. This also allows the costumers to haggle your price lower if it started out too high.

.+.Always watch your stuff. Never leave anything alone. Because believe it or not but some people can sink low enough to steal your items.

.+.Have a good speech ready when the costumer comes. Have a confident business sort of talk. This way you can hook people into buying your junk. Trust me it works. I have done this before.

.+.Try to wait until you have a lot of items before you have a garage sale. People wont want to buy your stuff if you only have a couple of cheap toys.

.+.Make catchy garage sale signs. Think about it. Why would people want to go to YOURS when there are plenty of others to go to. Make sure your address is readable and is big enough to see far away.

.+.Start early in the morning around six o'clock. People are most likely to go then. If you start too late then no one will come since most people are busy.

.+.Don't fall for people trying to buy your items way too cheap. It happens.

.+.Count your money thatn you recieve to make sure they paid the right price. Sometimes people will purposely not pay the right amount so they can try to get away with paying a couple of dollars less. This only happens usually if they buy a lot of stuff.

.+.Never have out the stuff you don't want to sell. Cuz you may end up accidentally selling it when you didn't intend to.

.+.Be organized and not just throw everything in the middle of nowhere. When you start people expect to see items for sale and not a bunch of packed up bags.

.+.Be responsible and take down your signs once you are done with them. It is annoying to people when they come and there is no sale anywhere.