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NewS uPdAtEs, EcT
Where can we get a forum program ? Do we use a blog or forum ?

(NEW)Hey I made 2 sets of 3 banners. Tell me which one on the top you like out of the 3 examples! And the bottom one with 3 examples! Click here to view banners(Charles)

Go to Crime-Syndicate for our clan ranking and stats (shortcut plz leave (Charles)
Email for suggestions and such (Arian)
Email for suggestions and such (Charles)

Sumone help me !  Here is the forum, but i dont know how to make it show in "realtime" so this text box would be the forum, instead of the link.
Click for Forum !

(pop up navigation bar)
(plz update the nav bar of new links)

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Last Updated: 7/4/02