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A New Beginning

Title: A New Beginning
Arthor: nanthimus
Pairings: One-sided Harry/Dumbledore, one-sided Harry/Snape
Rating: PG...

Dumbledore looked down at the dark haired youth. A man, but only just, Harry had come back to Hogwarts to join the staff as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Dumbledore smiled under his beard, blue eyes twinkling. He was most pleased when Harry had gotten in touch with him, asking if there was a position available. In truth, he hadn't wanted to let Harry leave when he's graduated. The world was such a hard place, as Harry knew quite well, and Dumbledore didn't want to see the damaged youth get hurt any more by it. He wanted to keep the boy near, so he could keep his eye on him. Dumbledore chuckled at that, casting his gaze out to the students in the Great Hall. He actually would have liked more. Harry had turned into such a beautiful young man...But no. It was very doubtful of anything coming from it; just an old man's musings. However...

Dumbledore's gaze fell on Severus, who was sneering at something Harry had said.

However, Severus was a good match for Harry. Dumblefore had seen Snape glance at Harry, when he thought no one was looking. Glance at him with an intensity that was at times almost frightening.

What a wonderful idea! Severus, while admittedly not the most attractive or....emotionally stable man, just might be the very person Harry needed. And, after all, Harry's happiness was the most important thing. Perhaps they would be able to fix each other?

Dumbledore stood, clapping his hands cheerfully to get the attention of the students.

"Welcome, all," he began, "to Hogwarts!"

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