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Moshi everyone! Welcome to AOT! This is a site dedicated soley to the fan. Here you can become a member and partake in chatting, contests, and pass-coded parts of the site.

What is AOT's purpose? Well, we want to bring satisfaction to the anime otaku. This site is run by otakus, so we know what you want! We're out for your purposes, and for what you want in an anime community. Such as, images, information, multimedia, fan stuff, and so on.

But, this site can only go unless we have support from you, the otaku, to help us out. Make valuable suggestions, send in images, maybe even get your own little piece of the site(I.E. if you contributed greatly to one portion, forever will your name be on that page ^_^), info, whatever will help! We love new ideas and we love suggestions. So, be an otaku and join the anime revolution! By joining AOT!

On May 4th 2003 AOT turned a year old. Even though it is just getting itself off the ground, it's amazing that it's taken a year for all of it to be thrown together. Maybe soon, we'll have a domain.^_^\\//

Our banner, link us, do whatever. For more move your cursor up towards the "Link Us" link. :D