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Who is Goten?
Goten's Family
Ask Goten


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Site first put up: Octobter 2, 2002
Site Redone: April 25, 2003

Contact me: Cute

Got a question for Goten? E-mail him at and he'll answer it
(I uselly got on the internet every night so your question will be answered by tomorrow, but dun think I'm dead if it isn't.)

Ask Goten:

Q:Hey Trunks and Goten did you ever kill some one? And if so Who?
Goten: I have never killed anyone.
Trunks: Nope.

Q: Teen Trunks, when you're a teenager and you're at the mall Christmas shopping for some spandex for your dad, what would you do if a mob of girls started chasing you around the mall? Would you even know what their chasing you for?
Teen Trunks: ::sighs:: That does happen, A LOT, I might add. They might be chasing me because I'm the son of the president of Capsule Corp.....

Q: Hey Goku can you tell me how to shoot a kamahamaha wave i'll give you food!!
Goku: ::grins:: Nope, sorry. It's a secret! Not even food can make me tell you.

Q: Will you kill Trunks for me? My sister hates him. And plus i'll give you food!!!
Goten: Sorry, nope. I can't kill my best friend.

Q: Hey Trunks my sister wants to KICK you yet she loves you. Can i be your friend?
Trunks: o.o;;; Umm, okaaaaay. And sure, you can be my friend if ya really want to be.

Q: Hey Trunks do you like video games???
Trunks: Yea! My fav game is Super Smash Bros Melee!

Q:Hey Vegeta my dad wants to know how you got so cool.
Emily: ~.~ Great, your father just gave Veggie an ego boost.
Vegeta: ::smirks:: I was born cool.
Trunks: -.-

Q: Hey goku my mom wants to know when you fell in love with Chi-chi. Was it when you saw that she was a half naked kid?
Goten: o.O
Goku: Ummm, yes?
Chi-Chi: ::growls and hits Goku on the head with the frying pan of doom::

Q: Hey Goten can you tell me how to fly? I'll be your best friend!
Goten: Well, uhhh... it's kind of hard to explain on the computer......

Q: Yo Vegeta, what up? My cousin Kevin is a butt, what do i do?
Trunks:Uh dad isn't here.....
Emily: ::covers her ears:: AH! Goten, no need to yell! ::snaps her fingers::
Vegeta: ::appears:: WHAT THE HFIL?!
Trunks: Just answer the question.
Vegeta: Well then ::smirks:: just blow him up.
Emily: NO! DO NOT LISTEN TO VEGETA! ::glares at Vegeta:: And for that, be gone! ::snaps her fingers::
Vegeta: ::disappears::

Q: Trunks,does it bother you that everybody calls you gay!?!
Trunks: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL ME GAY!

Q: Trunks, do you hate Goten?
Trunks: NO! Goten is my best friend and if something really bad happened to him I would never be able to forgive myself!
Goten: Thanks Trunks!

Q: Goten, when is your birthday?
A: ^_^ My birthday is on Decemeber 25, on Christmas!

Q: What's your favorite tv show?
A: I usally don't watch tv that much, but when I do, there is a show called Spongebob Squarepants that I really like to watch.

Q: I was wondering, how do you keep your spiked up like that?
A: Ummm, well, I was just born with it. Trunks's dad told me it had to do with being a Saiyan.

Q: Do you love animals?
A: You bet! I love to play games with them and stuff. (My mom won't let me get a pet though.):(

Q:Can I be your girlfriend?
Emily- Sorry, I don't think Goten is much into girls right now.

Q:Do you like Hamtaro? If so, who's yor favorite ham-ham?
A:I like to watch Hamtaro. My favorite ham-ham is Hamtaro because he's cool!

Q: Why are you Trunks' best friend if hes so mean to you and calls you names?
A: Because me and Trunks have been best friends since we were babies and even though he's mean to me sometimes, we're still best friends.

Q: Trunks is a lot smarter than you and he's alot morestronger than you too!
Goten: That wasn't even a question! Trunks, that was you who sent that wasn't it?!?
Trunks: Noooooo it wasn't! I must have a big fan.

*Smiles with a sweat drop behind his head*

Q: Did Trunks ever give you the 3 toys he owed you from the tournoment or did he just say that to make you feel better and to tell you he didn't cheat even though he did like you said?
A: He hasn't given me any yet, but said said he would pretty soon! Trunks, did you hear that? Somebody else besides me thinks you cheated too!

Trunks: FOR THE LAST AND FINAL TIME GOTEN, I DID NOT CHEAT! And like you said I'll give you those toys pretty soon. Why are all of you people against me!

Q: Do you enjoy being a cartoon character? And whats it like?
A: I think it is fun being a cartoon! It's about the same as being real life, its more fun being in a cartoon though cause I get too eat more.
Trunks: Same here! Goten, is all you think about is food?
Goten: NO!!!! I also think about other things.

Q: Does Trunks ever get on your nerves he seems to yell at you a lot?
A: Yep, but I always forgive him because I know he's just like his dad.
Trunks: You mean it? Goten you the best friend i've ever had.
Emily: Awwwww, that's soo cute!
Trunks: Your HERE!?!

Q: How much do you guys eat in one day?
A: I don't know, maybe about ummmm.... 55 bowls a day at the least.
Trunks: Same here, only I eat more.
Goten: I challenge you to an eating race right now, Trunks!
Trunks: You're on!

Q: When and where did you guys meet?
A: I can't remeber, we were only babies. What about you Trunks?
Trunks: No, it was kind of to long ago to remeber. :P

Q: Do you guys still wet the bed?

Trunks: I don't, but Goten does.
Goten: No I don't, Trunks! Your such a lier.

Q: Which country do you guys live in?
A: I don't know, Trunks?
Trunks: Once again, i'm better than Goten! We live in Japan.

Q: Have you two ever tried to kill each other?
A: No way! Me and Trunks are best buds.
Trunks: I would say the same thing.

Q: Whats your personal oppinion about Krillin's hair?
A: Was Krillin bald? I never met him intil the first tournoment i was in.
Trunks: Don't ask Goten to many questions. His head will burst!
Goten: Shut up Trunks! No it won't!

Q: What would you do if Trunks died?
A: I would be very sad and I don't think I could live with myself.
Trunks: Aww... Don't worry Goten, I too strong to die.
Goten: You really mean it?
Trunks: Yep!

Q: Do you like Vegeta?
A: As a friend, yep! I can tell Trunks really looks up to him.

Q: TRUNKS IS A BIG CHEAT U CHEATED FACE DON'T U EVER LIE TO GOTEN EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!! oh and my question is what kind of music do u like personialy i luv eminem .....but i luv u more so don't worry.
A: Wow, I'm glad I have a lot of fans. Umm... I think I would probually say Sum 41. Eminem is pretty cool too though.

Trunks: Once again, WHY IS EVERYONE AGINST ME?!
Emily: ::sighs:: Trunks, its because you make fun of Goten and call him names.
Trunks: That's why, oh. Sorry Goten.
Goten: That's ok Trunks. ::gives Son famous grin::

Q: Goten in a couple years you'll meet a girl named parsue don't go out with her she's evil. EVIL I TELL U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't go with her its because of her u aren't one of the main people. so when u see her kill her KILL HER MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: throws kii blasts at the wall of her room:: I WILL FIND U GOTEN!!!!!!!!! ::Flies searching::
Goten: Ummm... thanks for the tip. But, that's not a question, is it? O__O
Emily: No it isn't, but she is right, Goten. DON'T YOU DARE GO OUT WITH PARSUE!!!!
Goten: Ok, but do I have to kill her?
Emily: Na. Just don't date her and you'll be fine.

Emily-(I didn't copy these questions from any other website, so don't e-mail me and say I copied off your site.)