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I Think There For I Am.....

Friday, 2 July 2004

Quizzes and stuff

you are darkslateblue

Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
the html color quiz

your ideal mate(s) are Merry and Pippin!

Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?
brought to you by Quizilla


Posted by anime4/changes at 12:24 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 2 July 2004 12:28 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 June 2004

Princess of my tragic kingdom....
Current Emotion: Irritated and Restless
Currently Listening To: JCPenny Comercial in the background

*sighs* I'm all dressed up and have nowhere to go. One of my friends, invited me to a party that she was having today last week. I was all pumped about it, you know, I was all yeah party, party. I got all gussied up only to arrive to her house meeting only her dad and her dogs. Unbeknowest to me, my friend had to cancel her party. She callled everyone to tell them it was canceled, yet somehow...she forgot to call me.
So there I am, at her house, uber embarassed and dressed to kill.
*sighs* If I had known before that the party was cancelled I would have gone to see my friend Drew's band C.A.B. at the Thunderdome tonight. *sighs*

Posted by anime4/changes at 8:28 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 18 June 2004 8:29 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 16 June 2004

Last Day
Current Emotion: Erm...ish
Currently Listening To: Kimi ga Matteiru Kara by Gackt

Finally at long last my sophmore year of high school is over. The finals are all taken, I find out two of the coolest guys I know are leaving (well technically I should say one is pretty sure he is and the other is positive) and then I missed my bus. I am the uber-loser. I mean who misses their flarking bus on the last day of school?! *sighs* I guess that's what I get for being social...other people are annoying, distractive creatures...*growls* And then this whole departure of friends thing. Last year my bud Jenna left never return and now Lawerence and possibly Andrew. At this rate, I'll be all by myself come senior year. I mean I don't blame them...we all want out of Owings Mills High...but I guess it's just like all those times in history in which people felt trapped and surpressed and then one person escaped and then those who remained in bondage tried to drag them down to their level again. Jealousy.......

*runs hand through hair* At least it's summer vacation now...10 weeks of no school.I'm going to try to get a job (I cannot stay at home all summer doing nothing)at the movie theatre or WalMart or something and take up a martial art or dancing. I kind of want to do jujitsu or belly dancing...
I also have a summer reading project, 2 books...Teeth and Nail by somepeople and The Scarlet Letter. I don't understand why the assign us these stupid summer reading projects. I mean summer vacation is just that a vacation! Not time in which we are assigned books to read and then asked incredibly retarded questions to answer about the book depriving me of hard earned, well deserved hours and days of vacation. yeah...concerts, Otakon possibly, various babystitting jobs, and this blog and my sites will probably make up the most of my summer...

*sighs as she rereads* And I was in such a good mood and looking so forward to this summer....

Posted by anime4/changes at 1:39 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 June 2004 1:41 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 June 2004

A Blog of my own
Current Emotion: The current mood of KavaKava at
Currently Listening To: Leave Me Alone (Shaft 20/20 Mix) by The Cruxshadows

Well...I'm startin' a blog. I doubt anyone will ever read it, but what the hey, who knows, someone might care what I have to say.

What I really and truly want to do is have my own personal website. I've been trying for the past year to do that and it's not really going anywhere. For now this will have to suffice.

So here, in my little blog, I will post the thoughts and other stuff that originally would have put on my site.

Ok...none of that made an sense, but....blah....

Posted by anime4/changes at 1:54 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 June 2004 2:21 PM EDT
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