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You walk in to the room marked "Anthology" and see Melodia sitting at a messy desk trying to organize it. She suddenly looks up at you. "Oh! A guest! Hello! Welcome!" As she speaks, she stuffs the papers in a drawer. "You're probably wondering what this page is for. Well, Mastress Arafel did one chapter of a story, entitled "Elf Princess of the Water Star", but did the end of it so lazily that she's ashamed of it, and didn't want to use up all the ink in the printer to print it off, so she entrusted it to me, and told me to show it to everyone here, and…" She pauses. "Oh, I’m sorry. This is probably confusing to you. But I'll try to be more clear now. If any of you people want to draw a part of this story, just e-mail Mastress Arafel, and she'll say "Okay." You can do as much or as little as you want, from one page to ten chapters, it really doesn't matter. Anyways, after you draw it, e-mail it to her, and it'll be posted up here. There are a few rules, though.

1: ABSOLUTELY no m/m or f/f couples!

2: No hentai! Very limited nudity is allowed, but PLEASE keep in within reasonable limits!

3: Black and white and shades of gray. No colors, please.

4: Ask before you go and print off the other people's work, please.

That's all. Of course, you'll all be credited for your work…" She trails off again. She smiles. "Please decide what you'll do!"

Read the story!
