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Cavallaro Students of U.S.A

We... are the students of cavallaro. We all left a school that cared, a place where our friendship lied. This site is dedicated to all the people that been to cav and people that are still in cav.


Students, friends, all. We must have the courage to look forward, to be able to look into the future and face anything we meet. Bravery is not about having no fears, that call daring. Bravery, is about facing your fears. Once we can look into the future and accept anything that comes, that, is called courage. Maybe I can't do that yet. Maybe...


We achieved friends and rivals at this school. I have no way of saying how much I miss you all. You all were very important to me in some way, each and every one of you made me who I am today. Thank you, Raymond Q, Raymond Ng, Tommy C, Anna Ts, Qiao Qing C, Catherine M, Angela Q, Stephanie H, Michael C, Alex B, Aton D, Ronald Ng, Jason M, Jason C, Jonathan G, Jonathan C, JCYL... though you turned into a rival, Justin H, and more. Thank you all.


Love... I have no idea if I really loved someone this year. It might have been just... nothing. But... I always thought love is that when you loved someone and they loved you back. Perhaps.. that's not it. Because... i think I loved someone... andyet... they saw me nothing more but a friend. Perhaps... it's too late to ever understand it.


Kindness... all these years... I really wonder if i have been a kind friend. I wish I can find out... but all my friends will say yes. But... I want to ask someone that doesn't care for me as much... just someone that hates me and see if they think I'm kind. But then I guess if they hate me, they won't think I'm kind. I'm a dope.


I tried to sincere at most times. I wonder if I am. I know my friends are, like my godsis and Mike. They are always there to listen to my words, and they don't laugh, unless they were trying to make me feel better and kid around. Thank you 2, and to all those that were sincere to me. I really appreciate it.


I hope I have gained knowledge this year. But not only for academic situations, but also for friendship situations. I hope I learn to be a better friend... a better person... and out of all, a better godbrother. Heh... I'm sorta new at it.


In 3 years in cav, I hope my friends can trust and rely on me. I have no idea if they do, but I sure hope they will. I'll miss all of you and remember, I will always trust in all of you, dispite any fights, any arguements, or anything. I trust in you all.

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