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.: My Site Stuff :.
.: Cool Quizes :.
.: Other Sites :.
Megatokyo: Comics, links, art, rants, MT store, forums, and much more!!!!
.: Buttons Here :.
Opera Floozy: Comics, links, CG tutorials, graphics, and much more!!!!
G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more

  :: Konnichiwa!!:

Hello everyone!!! I know this site isn't much to look at right now but I hope to continue to improve it as time goes on. If you like this template it is called "Nuclear Matrix" and was created by the Flash Crew @!
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  "My Rants" written by: Ash on Date (01-31-03)
This is my first real site so I am still tweeking it ALOT. I plan to add more links and art pages, plus links to e-bay auctions and possibly downloadable things. So stay tuned!!!!!

Link to me!!

  "Anime Links!!! " written by: Ash on 5.29.03
.: News Updates :.
I finally got serious about making a webpage. YAY!!!! More stuff soon
Added fanart section. YAY!!!!
New Links Page.
.: Info :.
About Me
Name: Ash
Email: =]
Age: 15
Sex: Female
AIM: bluesamata
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