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*Fanart and Fanfiction Contest!* : Yup you have it right, changing the rules again! Your probably thinking, "Why does she keep doing this?" Eh, I dunno, but I'm accepting all couple fanart and fanfic works from now on. So I hope to start seeing everyone's entries in but before you do so please check the contest news and rules. (The link below this paragraph) Ta ta!

Contest News and Rules!

My Ballot Box
Whats your favorite DBZ coupling?

Vegeta and Bulma
Goku and ChiChi
Trunks and Pan
Trunks and Marron
Goten and Bra
Goten and Paris
Goten and Marron
Goku and Bulma
Vegeta and ChiChi
Gohan and Videl
Vegeta and Pan

View Results

Hey! Welcome to my site.

This is a DBZ fan couple site! With Bulma and Vegeta, Pan and Trunks, ChiChi and Goku and many more!

Update July 2nd 2002

I've just posted up an Image Gallery! Practically all the DBZ character images are up, but there will be more soon so please enjoy!

Also I've got under link under the My Links section to Goku and ChiChi's Getaway! ^.~

Also we've got our first Contest Entry, a fanfic one done by Vegeta Goddess called "#1 Crush", so make sure to check that out. And that's all of the updates for today!

Previous Updates

I hope to get some of you guys to help with your fanart and fics. So if you have any I'll be happy to post them up! My e-mail is located at the bottom of this page, hope to hear from you soon!


Fanfiction My Fanart Others Fanart My Links Link Me!
Submissions Adoptions Gifs FanManga About Emmy! ^.^
Images Contest

Disclaimers: I do not, as well as the others, own any of the characters of DBZ. They belong to the great Akira Toriyama!

Wanna see your fanart, fanfics or fanmangas posted on this site?
E-mail me.