Search for Dragonballs

The next morning.....11:59 is technically still morning...

Peter groggily trods his way to the kitchen. His hair is a muss, still wearing the PJ's Goku lent him last night and had Goten in a football carry under his arm. As soon as Peter got to the kitchen he cleared his throat. Having both parents attention, Peter, still holding Goten, presented the chibi. Peter's eyes were still heavy with sleep when he spoke.
"Your child woke me," he said.
"Well, of course he did," Chi-Chi said, "I told him to."
At this, Pete dropped poor Goten. "Excuse me," Pete said, harshly.
"Did you expect to sleep all day long? You- and your friend- are supposed to be helping my Goku find the dragonballs to send you home."
Peter grumbled and sat at the table. "I refuse to serve you until you look presentable," snapped Chi-Chi.
"And I," retorted Pete, "Refuse to look presentable until I at least have coffe."
"HMPH! We don't have coffe in this home. Only tea."
Peter mumbled something about 'piss water', stood up and went back to the guest room.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Chi-Chi was eventually able to boot all three men from the house; physically dragging Pete out of bed at one point. Now they were in a hayfield, searching for the first ball. Okay,okay; only Giovanni and Goku were looking, Peter was cat-napping under a tree.
"I thought sunlight didn't bother you," Goku said.
"It doesn't," Peter said, annoyed, "I was refused my 12 hours of beauty sleep by your woman. So, go ahead and find that....whatever. I'll supervise."
"Peter,come over here and help us look," Gio snapped, "I want to go home!"
Pete sat up and said, "And I want a vacation!"
"I'll grant you one when we get home."
"No you won't! You just want me to help find that thing!"
"Peter trust me. I will give you your vacation, I swear it."
"NO WAY!!"

"Guys," Goku finally said, "Settle down. We're not accomplishing anything this way. Pete please help us find the dragonball."
Pete thought about it then gave a happy smile. Goku returned the smile, thinking Pete was going to help.
"No!" Pete chuckled as he flopped backwards.

Giovanni and Goku sighed and continued searching.

After 45 minutes of no luck, Goku was about to give up. "The radar must be broken," he said, "It says we're right on top of the dragonball." Giovanni suggested they dig for it, taking Goku's words literally. But it sounded good enough for Goku, so they started digging. With their hands. They had no shovels.
As for Pete, he was still lying in the shade, watching the wind blow through the tree branches. Something shiny in the tree caught Peter's eye. He sat up and squinted, trying to get a better look. Before he could, though, it fell out of the tree, klunked Pete on the head and landed in his lap.
"Ow," Pete said, as he rubbed the nasty bump growing on his forehead. Goku went to see if he was alright, but forgot about that when he saw what Pete was holding.
"Hey", Goku nearly shouted, "Alright! You found the dragonball!"
"More like it found me," Pete said, handing the ball to Goku.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The other dragonballs were less painfully found. Peter and Vegeta learned to get along without hurting each other-much. Giovanni formed a close friendship with Chi-Chi. He had opted to help with housework instead of attempting to keep up with the two Saiyajins and his insane friend. Everything was going well, but there was a thought constantly nagging Gio. He knew there was something wrong with Peter. The youngster seemed to be acting strangely ever since the two appeared in this world. At first it wasn't very obvious to Giovanni, but he had noticed it finally. Peter's attitude was about the same but there was a difference in his movements and his energy. It was more up-beat now, not cooled and collected as it was on their Earth. Something was happening to Peter and it was frightening to Giovanni--because he didn't know what it was.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile at Capsule Corp.......

The threesome had returned for a great professionally prepared lunch buffet, like they had for the laast 5 days. Pete had manipulated this by reasoning with the Saiyajins 'If we go back to Goku's things will take longer. And don't get me started on what Chi-Chi'll put us through!' Vegeta knew how that woman was and had reluctantly agreed.
Right now, the group was sparring some while waiting for lunch to be served. The two Saiyajins were actually impressed that the vampire continued to spar with them. After each beating, he seemed to come back with fervor akin to a Saiyajin's. They were definately going to miss him when he went home. Goku--as always--was too hungry to continue, so Vegeta and Pete squared off. They had only been fighting by fisticuffs, but Vegeta has bored of it.

"Alright, vampire," Vegeta jokingly sneered, "Let's see you handle this!!" Vegeta sent a large ki blast directly at Pete.
"VEGETA!!" Goku yelped, thinking Pete had been turned to dust. So did Vegeta.
"Oops," he said, "I guess I overdid it." And he smiled.
As the smoke slowly cleared, they heard giggling and muffled laughter--with a couple coughs in between. Before they actually saw anything, Pete spoke again.
"WOOT!" Pete laughed, "You really thought you had me, eh, Veggie?" He chuckled some more. Goku and Vegeta looked where he had landed in shock. Peter, still on his head from the blast, was next to a tree stump. Moments earlier, it had been a good sized tree. The dust that had settled on Pete didn't faze his smile one bit.
"That was one wild ride", Pete continued, now righting himself, "I kinda enjoyed it, 'til I realized I coulda been vaporized."
Vegeta blinked, his tongue stuck in his throat, his jaw on the floor. Bulma had seen it all too, and she even knew Peter's 'secret'; but she still couldn't believe what just happened.
"You still fighting," Pete said, "Or are you satisfied eating your tongue?"
Vegeta snapped out of his trance. He wanted to see what else this guy could pull out of his sleeve.
"Of course I'm still fighting, baka!"
"GOOD", Pete said, smirking evilly. Moving faster than he ever had before; but still slower than a Saiyajin; Pete gave a right hook to Vegeta,sending him flying 10 feet back. This even surprised Pete.
"Wow. Vegeta, if I had known you weren't blocking that, I wouldn't have hit you so hard."
Vegeta spat out a tooth, then said, "I was blocking it! If I wasn't, I would have gone TWICE as far!"
Peter blinked and turned to Goku, "Is he serious?" Pete asked, still shocked.
"Yeah," replied Goku.
Pete looked at his fist, "wow", he whispered. Pete's awed reverence of himself was cut short by Vegeta's bark.
"KAKAROT", he snapped, "Have you been teaching him things without me?!"
"No," Goku said, shaking out of shock, "I promised I wouldn't."
"Alright, vampire. Where did you suddenly get all that power?"
"I guess sparring with you guys all this time has brought back some of the fight in me," Pete smirked, crossing his arms.
"I don't care how much fight you've regained! There is no way you could have done that with your low power level." As Vegeta stood right in front of Pete; Pete stood akimbo, ready for an attack.
"Well," Pete retorted, "I did! You saw it yourself!"

Bulma, still sitting in her lounger, could tell things were beginning to get ugly. She decided that lunch was finally ready.
"Hey, guys," she called, getting up, "Why don't we check the buffet?"
Vegeta and Pete glared at each other. Goku wanted to go eat, but didn't trust the two alone. Suddenly, Pete pushed the shorter man down. It was so unexpected, Vegeta fell straight back; he had no time to block that blow. Peter hopped over Vegeta and started jogging away. As he passed Goku, he glanced over and said, "Race ya," without stopping for a reply. Goku looked quickly back to Vegeta; who was getting back up; and then ran off happily after Pete
"Insolent brat", mumbled Vegeta as he went to catch up.

Aah...that page is finally over. NOW for my favorite scene! Click Goku to read it.

Story Bored
NEXT..or just click the glowing Goku!