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Welcome to my New Improved Page
Dedicated to Anime and my Art.


Ok, I know, I know I have been avoiding this website…..I am sorry. I have been swamped with school, and job searching…and anime. The anime section will be up soon...I have not figured out what will go up on it. The writings I will have up real soooon. I have to type….there you have it. I got a new review up and well…that’s it…*sweats* ummm…..well…hope yall like it!!!!!!!!!!!!
FF-X2…cant wait to play it!!

Welcome to Ashley’s new and improved page!!!

This page is dedicated to anime, and my works. I will also review stuff on here. I also had another page, but it was a failure. The reviews are in MY opinion; so if I make you mad on a review, or I am wrong about something. Just e-mail me, and tell me. I will try to e-mail or correct the problem as soon as possible. Now, this page is not quite done, but we’re (my brother and me) still working on it. Also please don’t laugh at the pictures. The stories will take a while to get up, because I haven’t had time to write. I will try to find some old writings though. Anyway, thanks a lot for visiting. I hope ya come again. Enjoy the site!!!
-Ashley ^-^

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