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29 JULY, 2003

Image gallery for the first novel is now officially FINISHED. Everything. That includes making and finishing (all at once??!!) the stylesheet, side images, compiling, coding, and SCANNING. I rebuilt my computer (mouse works!) and cleaned my room (scanner plug) for you people. I hope you're happy.

28 JULY, 2003

It's three in the morning, and I have just done as much as I could with the novel info page (including hunting down obscure kanji and trying to do my best at translating the titles.) You'd better appreciate it, you frumious bandersnatches. Uploading the site right about now. And remember, Tom Petty rocks.

26 JULY, 2003

Package arrival from Japan!! Huttah, I have my novels!! ^.^ Or at any rate, the first one for now. Unfortunately, found out today that there's another three Arslān novels, under a different series title. They didn't show up on my search on jpqueen then. Also, only have the katakana/kanji script of the title, so I don't know what the last three glyphs of the title is... ^_^; Refering to it as "Mavāru," since that's the katakana portion of it at least...

Got all huffy and frustrated doing searches today, but I do have my new favorite flavor of Pocky (Almond Crush Cafe au Lait ^.^) and have downed my own liter of Oolong tea. Go Pacific Islander.

No mouse on my computer currently, hafta use the downstairs one, updates shall NOT BE COMING OFTEN. Oh, and to top it all off, we mysteriously have been robbed of all our AC/DC scanner...

Did, however, manage to be sort of useful and fleshed out the menu. So now I know all the crap that I hafta dooooo.

13 JULY, 2003

Beginning research, created CSS layout for "makers of Arslān" section.

10 JULY, 2003

Image editing, coding and positioning, tweaking CSS classes on front layout.

9 JULY, 2003

Primarily image editing. Also began construction of external stylesheet for the front, menu, and updates page.

4 JULY, 2003

Began revamp: moved old site, put up notice, checked new codes. Last version available here (copyright problems, pop-up ridden, unfinished, but very pretty). First version available here (copyright problems, pop-up ridden, temperamental coding, inconvenient layout, unfinished, but you can change the background).