Disclaimer: We don't own Digimon, or Mystery Science Theater, or Dragonlance.

Authors' Note: Anything in italics is the actual episode, as scripted off my tape. If you want a clean copy of it (one without comments), just e-mail Argent and I'll send it to you. Also, I'm testing out how these look with the commentary in color. Let me know what you think.

Argent is sprawled in a corner, being her usual lazy self. Oko, on the other hand, is busily occupied with her katana, last used to whack at Argent's pathetic computer, which would take forever to load web pages. Argent slowly looks up at Oko. "Hey, Oko?"


"I'm bored..." While in some universes, that phrase would have been horrifying (think kender in Dragonlance), Argent being Argent, it wasn't. However, the muse had given her an idea that she couldn't bear to not to relate. "Oko, what if we watched Digimon and made wise cracks, like an MST, ya know?"


Argent sighed. "Come on. I'll supply the episode. I just happen to have the very first episode cued up on one of my tapes..."
Argent and Oko settle into seats in front of the TV, and Argent begins the episode.

And So It Begins...

Tai (voiceover): That's home. Planet Earth. But I'm not sure that's where I am right now. Okay, let me back up a little.

Argent: Oh, please do before we get as confused as you sometimes are.

Tai (voiceover): It all began when the climate went completely out of control. The rainforest dried out and other places got totally flooded with oceans like chocolate sauce.

Argent: Yum...oceans of chocolate sauce.

Oko: Mmmmm...chocolate sauce sounds good right now.

Argent: It does indeed.

Tai (voiceover): And get this. Cities that were normally blazing hot in the summer got super cold. At the time, I didn't know any of this was going on because I was at camp. All of the other campers were, you know, goofing off and hanging out. Me? I was enjoying the summer sun while, uh, going over my multiplication tables.

Summer Camp

Snoring is heard from Tai, who is in a tree.

Argent: Zzzz...zzzz...wait. I don't want to do a TAI imitation.

Oko: See Argent, I'm NOT the only one who sleeps in a tree!

Argent: Huh? Somehow I think I forgot about that or somethin'...

Tai (voiceover): That is, until it started to snow. In the middle of July. Totally freaky. And it gets weirder.

A snowflake lands on Tai. He wakes and sits up.

Tai (voiceover): You won't believe what happened to me and six other kids. Oh by the way, my name's Tai.

Sora gasps.

Tai (voiceover): This is Sora. She's okay...for a girl.

Argent: I find it funny that he says that about a girl that, three or four years later, he wants to go out with. I'm not sure why.

Matt: Wha?

Tai (voiceover): And Matt. Matt's too cool. Just look at that haircut.

Oko: Hey look it's MATT!!!!!

Argent:Yes, Oko. Matt.

Tai (voiceover): And this little kid is Izzy. Izzy looks up as a snowflake falls on his laptop.

Izzy: Huh?

Tai (voiceover): He should have gone to computer camp.

Mimi stands up.

Tai (voiceover): That's Mimi. I'll bet you can guess her favorite color on the first try. TK is Matt's dopey little brother.

TK watches a snowflake fall.

Tai (voiceover): Oh, and this is Joe.

Joe gasps.

Tai (voiceover): But don't ever scare 'em. He'd probably wet his pants.

Oko: Well, that's Joe for ya.

A blizzard blows in.

Tai (voiceover): So there we all were at camp when suddenly this huge blizzard came in out of nowhere. Needless to say the canoe races were cancelled.

Near a Cabin at Summer Camp

Tai: So let's have toboggan races instead.

Tai runs out of the cabin. TK follows him.

TK: I'm gonna build the biggest snowman.

Matt follows TK.

Matt: Hey TK, be careful.

Sora walks into the doorway of the cabin.

Sora: Brrr. It is freezing and I didn't bring a jacket.

Oko: Of course you didn't bring a jacket to SUMMER camp!

Argent: *throws the first Obvious Pillow for the season*

Sora walks away from the cabin. Joe appears in the doorway.

Joe: Man, I was worried I'd catch a summer cold, but this is even worse.

Mimi steps into the doorway and gasps.

Mimi: Wow!

Mimi runs out of the cabin. Joe follows her.

Mimi: Why didn't I pack my fluffy pink snowboots?

Argent: Um...maybe 'cause you're at SUMMER camp? *throws another Obvious Pillow*

Inside the Cabin, Summer Camp

An error message appears on the laptop's screen.

Izzy: Still not working. Bummer.

Argent: Funny, but I don't picture Izzy saying bummer. Surfer dude, maybe, but Izzy, no.

Oko: The funny thing is picturing Izzy as a surfer dude!

A/N: Can someone with artistic ability draw Izzy as a surfer dude for me? It's something I really wanna see...

Argent: *laughs hysterically* You're right. That is a funny picture.

Izzy holds up a cell phone.

Oko: I want one!

Argent: Me too! Especially if I can use it to get on the Internet.

Izzy: This storm's making a mess of my infrared internet connection.

TK (from outside): Lookit!

Sora (from outside): Wow.

Tai (from outside): Hey, what's your name? Izzy.

Argent: Didn't he know Izzy's name just a minute ago?

Izzy looks up from his electronics.

Tai (from outside): Come on out here! You gotta see this!

Outside, Summer Camp

Tai: Whoa...

Sora: Whoa...

Mimi: It's beautiful. Magical, even.

Tai: Yeah...

Izzy: Yeah, but what is it?

Sora: Maybe an aurora?

Izzy: You mean aurora borealis, the northern lights? That's impossible. You see that in Alaska. We're way too far south.

Sora: Tell that to the snow.

Joe: I really think we ought to get back inside before we all come down with pneumonia.

Matt: Miss this? The sky is like short-circuiting.

Oko: Matt, the sky CAN'T short-circuit...can it?

Argent: I don't think it can.

Oko: Are you sure?

Argent: Positive.

A green whirlpool forms in the sky.

Tai: Hey! What's that?

Seven glowing lights fall from the green whirlpool. Everyone gasps.


Mimi: Do you think we need sunscreen?

The seven lights land around the kids.

Sora: Everyone, are you alright?

Matt: We're still here.

Mimi: That was scary.

Joe: What...what was it?

Izzy looks into one of the craters.

Izzy: Meteors?

Small items (digivices) rise from the craters.

Izzy: Okay, so it's not meteors.

Oko: Izzy no baka!

Argent: *throws another Obvious Pillow* I'm gonna need a lotta Obvious Pillows by the time we're through with this...

The kids each grab a digivice.

Sora: What...are these?

The digivices start reacting.

Izzy: My guess is some sort of miniature remote digital apparatus.

Argent: In English, please?

Joe: No instructions?

Oko: Instructions? Who needs instructions?

A tidal wave appears in front of the kids.

Tai: Forget the instructions. Surf's up!

Oko: There ya go, Argent. It's your surfer dude.

The kids scream. They are swallowed up by the tidal wave.

Mimi: I knew I should have gone to cheerleading camp!

Argent: This is the first of several references to this cheerleading camp. Wonder why she didn't go there, anyway?

Oko: Mimi? Cheerleading? I dun think so!

The Digiworld

Koromon: Tai. Yoo-hoo. Tai.

Tai opens his eyes.

Tai: Yeah, I'm okay. Huh?

Argent: "Huh?" is the most common thing said in both seasons.

Tai sees Koromon staring at him. Tai screams. He rolls away from Koromon.

Tai: That is the last time I eat camp food!

Oko: I don't blame him. Especially if it's like the school food. Have you seen some of that stuff?

Argent: *throws Obvious Pillow at Oko* Of course I have. I go to school with you, as you know.

Oko: Oh yeah.

Koromon hops toward Tai.

Koromon: Hey. You don't need to be afraid of me. I'm your friend, I'm your friend, I'm your friend.

Tai: Uh...just what are you? Have you had your rabies shots?

Argent: A little late to think about that since he's already been sitting on you, isn't it? Or am I just being my "blonde day" self?

Koromon: Everything's gonna be alright now, Tai. I've been waiting for you.

Koromon jumps into Tai's hands.

Tai: Waiting for me?

Koromon: My name's Koromon and we're...partners!

Tai: Koromon? That means...talking head?

Koromon: It means brave little warrior and don't you forget it, Tai.

Oko: Way to go Koromon!

Tai: So what did you mean, you've been waiting for me? And how did you know my name?

Izzy steps out from behind a tree.

Izzy: Tai?

Tai looks over at Izzy.

Tai: Izzy, that you?

Izzy: It's me. And I've got this little pink thing following me everywhere.

Motimon comes into view.

Motimon: It is me, Motimon at your service. Anybody want lunch?

Oko: Sounds like our stupid knight friend, doesn't it?

A/N: This would take much explanation that would ruin the flow of the fic, so if you wanna know, ask in your review and it will be addressed at the next MST.

Argent: Yep.

Tai drops Koromon.

Tai: Another one? What are they?

Motimon darts toward Tai.

Motimon: Oh. Allow me to introduce myself. My friends all call me Motimon. Everyone does, actually.

Izzy follows Motimon.

Izzy: I believe those miniature remote digital gadgets have taken on an actual life form. I don't remember anything like this in the camp brochure.

Tai: Ya think?

Tai looks up.

Tai: It's weird.

Izzy: The vegetation is lush, but the soil appears rather common.

Motimon: Nothing is common in Digiworld.

Argent: Except for the abundance of utterly random things...

Tai: Huh?

Koromon: That's right, Tai. You're in the Digiworld!

Tai: And just where is the Digiworld?

Izzy: Oh, I don't care so much about where it is. I wanna know what it is.

Tai: Guess I'll just take a look around for myself.

Tai climbs a tree. He pulls out a telescope and looks through it.

Oko: Look Argent, another tree!

Argent: I'm still not getting the tree thing, Oko.

Oko: Oi...okay, I ocasionally SLEEP in trees! Do you not remember that?

Argent: When was that?

Tai: The ocean? What's that doing there? Our campsite was nowhere near the ocean. And I sure don't remember those mountains. Something tells me a compass isn't gonna help much.

Koromon bounces up the tree.

Koromon: Hey Tai! Whadda ya see?

Tai: Nothing I recognize. Huh? Wait. What's that? Look at that. It's some sort of giant red beetle. And it's flying right at us!

Tai gasps. Tai and Koromon barely manage to avoid the bug.

Motimon (covering his eyes): I can't watch! That is one seriously bad Digimon, even when he's in a good mood.

Izzy (nervously): That's just great.

Kuwagamon turns. Tai sits up.

Koromon: Watch out!

Tai: Huh?

Tai looks over his shoulder.

Koromon: His name is Kuwagamon. He's an insectoid Digimon, vicious and ruthless with teeth like knives and scissor hands that can chop through anything.

Oko: Do you have ANY idea how much damage I could do to the school if Kuwagamon was mine? That would be FUN!

Argent: NO! Ravemon will cause enough havoc...

Oko: Can I take Ravemon to school?

Argent: Oh dear. What have I done?

Oko: No, it would work! See, you could take Sylvimon and I could take Ravemon! That would be SO much FUN!

Argent: *groans*

Tai: Who needs a gardener?!

Koromon blows pink bubbles at Kuwagamon. Tai is knocked out of the tree by Kuwagamon. Izzy runs over to Tai.

Izzy: Tai, you okay?

Tai: Well, I have had better days.

Oko: Hasn't everybody?

Argent: Yep.

Koromon falls to the ground. Izzy turns to look at him. Tai stands up.

Tai: Little guy!

Tai goes over to Koromon.

Tai: You should pick on bugs your own size.

Argent: No kidding. *throws another Obvious Pillow, which she has a never-ending supply of now*

Tai picks up Koromon.

Tai: What's your name? Koromon?

Argent: Boy, talk about a short term memory. He has an awful time remembering names. First Izzy, now Koromon...

Koromon: That's me.

Tai: You're pretty brave...for a little guy. I'm impressed.

Tai chuckles.

Koromon (shyly): It was nothin'.

Izzy (pointing at Kuwagamon): Uh, Tai, he's heading this way again!

Argent: *throws another Obvious Pillow*

Motimon: Oh dear, oh dear! Quickly, everyone! This way!

Motimon darts off.

Tai: Come on!

Tai and Izzy run after Motimon.

Motimon: Hurry up! For having two long legs, you guys are awfully slow.

Argent: Funny how unatheletic Izzy can keep up with athletic and longer-legged Tai...

Motimon: Inside this tree!

Motimon jumps into a tree. Tai and Izzy stop.

Izzy: Huh?

Tai pulls Izzy along as he dives into the tree.


Inside the Tree

Tai: Whoa.

Izzy: What kind of tree is this?

Motimon: It's a hiding tree, silly.

Koromon: Quiet now. Don't make a sound.

Tai: Huh?

Sora (from outside): All clear.

Tai and Izzy gasp.

Sora (from outside): No need to hide anymore.

Sora is seen through the tree.

Outside the Tree

Tai: Sora!

Sora: You can come out now.

Tai: Oh, we were just planning the trap we were gonna set for that big bug.

Argent: Sure ya were, mister Crest of Courage.

Tai and Izzy emerge from the tree.

Argent: Funny how they never use one of that kind of tree again.

Tai: Huh?

Yokomon purrs.

Yokomon: I am enchanted to meet you, friends of Sora.

Sora: Tai, Izzy, meet Yokomon. My own personal something or other.

Tai and Izzy walk over to Sora.

Tai: Looks kinda like a radish.

Oko: Y'know I thought that too when I first saw Yokomon.

Izzy: Must be another one of them, like the other...whatever they are.

Tai and Izzy look over at Koromon and Motimon. Tokomon runs into view.

Tai: Uh oh.

Sora gasps.

Izzy: They're popping up everywhere.

Tokomon: Hello. I am Tokomon. Hey TK. Over here.

TK (offscreen): Coming!

TK appears from behind a tree.

TK: Tokomon, there you are!

TK runs toward the others. Matt appears from behind a tree.

Matt: TK!

Matt runs after TK.

Tai: Hey Matt! You too?

Matt: Yeah, I'm here too.

Oko: *rolls eyes* We can all see you're there, Matt.

Argent: *holds Obvious Pillow out to Oko* Do you want to do the honors, since it's Matt?

Oko: Do you need to ask? *takes the Obvious pillow and throws it* That HAD to hurt!

Tai: No. I meant that, under your arm.

Matt: Oh. This guy?

Tsunomon: Hello. You appear pleasant. Tsunomon is my name and I am quite pleased to meet you.

Oko: Appearances don't mean a thing, Tsunomon.

Argent: Yeah, the way Oko might look nice, but isn't someone you want to be on their bad side.

TK laughs.

Joe (offscreen): Help!

Screaming, Joe runs toward the others.

Tai: Joe?

Bukamon chases Joe.

Joe: Help me! This thing, this thing...it won't leave me alone.

Bukamon: Hey, who you callin' a thing?

Argent: Uh...you, Bukamon.

Bukamon clings to Joe.

Bukamon: I'm no stuffed animal. The name is Bukamon.

Joe screams.

Joe: What...what's wrong with you guys? Don't you see this creature hanging off me?

Argent: Apparently he thinks he's hallucinating...

Oko: Wouldn't you if Bukamon was following you?

Argent: Nope. I've seen Digimon, so I'd know what he is.

Joe: And those creatures standing right there? They're...they're everywhere! What are they?

Bukamon: We're...

Bukamon flies over to the other Digimon.

Digimon: ...Digimon, digital monsters.

Oko: No kidding you're Digimon. That IS the name of the show.

Argent: *throws an Obvious Pillow at the Digimon*

Tai takes a step forward.

Tai: Digital monsters?

Digimon: Yeah, Digimon.

Koromon: We're not just digital monsters. We're much more than that. We're...kinda cute.

Oko: Kinda isn't the word for it, Koromon.

Tsunomon: And very loyal.

Yokomon: With beautiful hair.

Motimon: Or maybe no hair at all.

Bukamon: We can be funny. Ha!

Argent: Um...that's not funny.

Tokomon: And adorable.

Tai: It's a pleasure to meet each of you. My name's Tai and these are my friends from camp. I'd like you to meet Sora.

Sora: Nice place ya got here, except the bugs.

Tai: And the self-proclaimed cool one over there is Matt.

Oko: No kidding, Tai. Matt is cool.

Matt: No autographs, please.

Tai: And this is Joe.

Joe: I'd shake hands...if you had any.

Argent: And the first of many shaking hands comments by Joe.

Tai: Izzy here's our computer expert.

Izzy: Do you have internet access?

Argent: Of course not! *throws another Obvious Pillow at Izzy*

Tai: And last but not least, this little guy is...uh...

TK: TK. Call me TK. And I'm not as small as I look.

Argent: I'm not even gonna touch the complete idiocy of that last remark.

Oko: Well, if you want to get technical it IS your fault he sounded like an idiot! You ARE the Goddess of Random Idiocy, remember?

A/N: Another inside joke. Ask in review if you wanna know.

Argent: Oh yeah...

Tai: There now. Is that everybody?

Sora: Hey, what happened to that girl with the funny pink hat?

Tai: Now, now. Her name is Mimi.

Oko: How did he remember HER name??

Izzy: Well, perhaps she's off picking flowers...or going on a nature hike...or--

Argent: Izzy doesn't know Mimi very well, does he?

Mimi screams.

Mimi (offscreen): Help me! Help me!

Tai: Come on!

The Digidestined run toward the sound of Mimi's voice.

Izzy (thinking): Okay, so maybe she's not picking flowers.

Argent: Um...okay. He definitely doesn't know Mimi very well.

Oko: *steals one of Argent's Obvious Pillows and throws it at Izzy*

Tai: Mimi? Where are you?

Mimi runs out from behind a tree.

Sora: There she is.

Argent: No kidding. *throws an Obvious Pillow at Sora*

Tai: Mimi, it's okay!

Argent: *as episode-Tai* Yes, it's perfectly okay that we're being chased by a big red bug. Nothing out of the ordinary about that.

Oko: LOL!

The Digidestined minus Mimi stop. Kuwagamon is chasing Mimi.

Tai: It's that big bug again!

Kuwagamon buzzes over the Digidestined.

Tanemon: Mimi, are you alright?

Mimi: Think so.

Tanemon: Don't worry. Tanemon's here to protect you.

Argent: Yes, don't worry. The In-Training Digimon will protect you from the nasty, thousand-times its size bug...

Sora walks over to Mimi. Sora kneels.

Sora: It's okay now.

Mimi looks over at Sora.

Mimi: Oh Sora.

Kuwagamon roars. He flies at the Digidestined again.

Tai: Watch it! Here he comes!

Argent: No kidding. *throws an Obvious Pillow at Tai*

Sora: Run!

The Digidestined run from Kuwagamon.

Matt: Down!

The Digidestined hit the dirt. Kuwagamon flies over them. Joe gasps.

Joe: Will this nightmare ever end?

Argent: I think it will...

Oko: Who says it's a nightmare? That would be a kick ass dream!

Joe cringes as a branch falls nearby.

Joe: My mom is gonna want a complete and total refund.

Argent: Funny how we never see this mom of his.

Yokomon: Here he comes again!

Tokomon gasps. Tai stands up.

Tai: Okay. That does it. No more running away.

Sora: What else can we do?

Argent: Absolutely nothing.

Matt: She's right. There's no way we can fight that thing.

Oko: This IS Matt, right?? Why is he trying to back out of a fight!?

Izzy: Not and win, anyway.

Argent: Well, you could try a digivolve, but you guys don't know about that yet.

The Digidestined run from Kuwagamon.

On a Cliff

The Digidestined stop abruptly.

Matt: Great. Anybody bring a helicopter?

Argent: *sarcastically as episode-Tai* Yeah, it's right here in my pocket. See? *pretends to pull a helicopter out of her pocket*

Tai walks to the end of the cliff.

Sora: Be careful, Tai.

Tai: There's no way down. We're going to have to find another way.

Argent: No kidding there's no way down. You're on a cliff. *throws an Obvious Pillow at Tai*

Sora: Another way where?

Argent: Um, away from Kuwagamon maybe? *throws an Obvious Pillow at Sora*

Kuwagamon bursts through the trees. He buzzes over Tai, then turns to fly at them again.

Sora: Watch out, Tai!

Koromon hops toward Tai.

Koromon: Here I go!

Tai runs from Kuwagamon. Koromon blows pink bubbles at Kuwagamon.

Tai: Not again.

Argent: What does he mean, not again?

Tokomon: Digimon, attack!

The Digimon leap at Kuwagamon. They blow pink bubbles at him.

Sora: Yokomon!

Kuwagamon crashes into the trees.

Sora: Yokomon!

Argent: Ya just said that.

Tai picks up Koromon.

Tai: Koromon! Are you crazy?

Argent: No. He just takes after you.

Tai: Why'd you do it?

Koromon: Sorry. It's just...I'm trying to make a good impression.

Tai: Crazy guy.

The Digidestined run over to their Digimon. Sora picks up Yokomon.

Sora: Yokomon.

Argent: Can she say something else now?

Mimi: Tanemon, talk to me.

Izzy: They must be programmed for courage.

Argent: Well, we know Koromon is, but what about the others?

TK: Tokomon, what's wrong?

Argent: It's called unconsciousness.

Matt: Hey Tsunomon, wake up!

Oko: I'll lend ya Ravemon if you want, Matt.

Argent: Wonder if Izzy wants to borrow Sylvimon.

Joe: Bukamon, wake up.

Kuwagamon roars.

Joe: Huh? Oh no!

Kuwagamon emerges from the trees. The Digidestined run to Tai.

Matt (while running): Get back!

Sora: I was hoping we'd seen the last of him.

Tai: Me too. Guess he had other plans, huh?

Argent: Yep.

Matt: I knew I should have brought my bugspray.

Argent: This is the first, but not last, time someone wishes for bugspray.

Oko: Matt should NOT attempt to be funny...it just doesn't work with him.

Kuwagamon steps toward the Digidestined.

Tai: Okay, get ready to run.

Kuwagamon roars.

Koromon: No, we fight.

Oko: He sounds a LOT like me, don't ya think?

Tai: Huh?

Argent: They do use that word a lot.

Koromon: That's right. It's the only way. Stand and fight.

Kuwagamon roars.

Tai: Give it up, will ya?

Argent: *as episode-Koromon* NEVER!!!!!!!

Motimon: No, Koromon's right. It's time that we showed what we're made of.

Motimon struggles to get free of Izzy's grasp.

Izzy: No, don't!

Yokomon: They're right.

Sora: No way. It's hopeless. You're no match for him, Yokomon.

Argent: Well, not alone and not as Yokomon, anyway.

Kuwagamon takes another step toward the Digidestined and roars.

Tsunomon: We can do it. Lemme go, lemme go, lemme go, lemme go!

Oko: *pulls her best throwing rock out of her pocket* Let Tsunomon go or I'll hit you with it! *throws it at him*

Argent: *winces* I thought you liked Matt.

Tokomon struggles to get free of TK's grasp. Joe struggles to hang on to Bukamon.

Bukamon: Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!

Argent: Same idea as Tsunomon, just slightly different words.

Mimi: Tanemon, you too?

Argent: Of course. *throws an Obvious Pillow at Mimi*

Kuwagamon roars...again.

Tanemon: Uh huh.

Koromon: I'm sorry, Tai. Let's go!

Koromon escapes from Tai. Bukamon, Motimon, and Yokomon escape from their partners. Tsunomon, Tokomon, and Tanemon escape from their partners. The Digimon head toward Kuwagamon.

Koromon: Come on, Digimon!

Sora: It's useless! Yokomon!

Argent: There she goes yelling Yokomon again.

Izzy: Don't go! Motimon!

Matt: No, wait! Don't do it, Tsunomon!

Oko: You just can't let him fight can you?

Argent: Apparently not.

TK: Don't go!

Joe: Turn around! Come back, Bukamon!

Mimi: Tanemon, be careful!

Tai: No! Don't, Koromon!

Argent: If they only knew what's gonna happen...


Tai: Come back!

Argent: Actually, don't. They need to do this...

The digivices start reacting. Rainbow colored beams of light shine down from the sky and touch the Digimon. The Digidestined gasp.

Argent: There's also a lotta gasping in Digimon.

Begin Digivolution Sequence

Koromon: Koromon digivolve to...

Agumon: Agumon.

Yokomon: Yokomon digivolve to...

Biyomon: Biyomon.

Motimon: Motimon digivolve to...

Tentomon: Tentomon.

Tsunomon: Tsunomon digivolve to...

Gabumon: Gabumon.

Tokomon: Tokomon digivolve to...

Argent: *as episode-Patamon* Flyingpigmon.

Patamon: Patamon.

Bukamon: Bukamon digivolve to...

Argent: *as episode-Gomamon* Sealthingmon.

Gomamon: Gomamon.

Tanemon: Tanemon digivolve to...

Palmon: Palmon.

End Digivolution Sequence

Kuwagamon roars.

Sora: What in the...Look at them. What's happened to the little guys?

Argent: It's called digivolution, Sora.

Tai: They're...bigger.

Argent: No kidding, Tai. *throws an Obvious Pillow at him*

The Digimon leap at Kuwagamon. Kuwagamon knocks them back.

Agumon: Alright, then. You asked for it!

Argent: Asked for what? Did I miss a question?

Oko: If you missed it, I missed it...

Palmon: Poison Ivy!

Argent: Ya know, I've always thought that was a pretty useless attack.

Palmon's attack prevents Kuwagamon from taking to flight.

Patamon: Boom Bubble!

Argent: This is also a pretty useless attack, in my opinion. It's really only good for dealing with Demidevimon.

Tentomon: Super Shocker!

Gomamon trips Kuwagamon.

Argent: Well, since there are no handy random bodies of water nearby...

Agumon: Stand back, everyone. Pepper Breath!

Gabumon: Blue Blaster!

Oko: I do like ALL of his attacks...no matter what level he is!

Argent: Yeah, his are pretty cool. Sometimes literally.

Biyomon: Spiral Twister!

Kuwagamon is set aflame.

Agumon: Now, all together.

All the Digimon attack Kuwagamon, who falls back. The Digidestined gasp.

Izzy (awed): They made vaporware out of him.

Argent: I didn't realize you could make vaporware at all, much less make it out of a giant flying red beetle.

Tai: Amazing!

The Digimon run toward the Digidestined.

Agumon (while running): Told ya we could do it!

Argent: You did?

Tai laughs. He runs to meet Agumon.

Tai: Koromon! Or Agumon or whoever you are! You did it! You did it! You did it!

Argent: Uh...yeah. *throws another Obvious Pillow at Tai*

Mimi and TK laugh.

Tentomon: How about that Super Shocker? Pretty wizard, huh?

Argent: Does that last statement make any sense to you?

Oko: No.

Tai and Agumon laugh. Kuwagamon reemerges from the trees.

Sora (to Tai): Watch out!

Tai: Huh?

Argent: She said watch out.

Kuwagamon roars. Tai notices Kuwagamon. He and Agumon run from Kuwagamon. Kuwagamon makes a crack in the ground.

Tai: Guess we celebrated too soon.

Argent: Yep. Looks like it.

The crack widens at the Digidestined fall, screaming.

Tai (voiceover): So, just when we make some pretty cool friends, we all take a plunge. Never to see each other again? I don't think so.

Argent stops the tape. "We gotta do more of this."

Total of Obvious Pillows Thrown: 3 at Sora, 2 at Mimi, 4 at Izzy, 1 at Oko, 5 at Tai, 1 at Matt, 1 at Koromon, 1 at Motimon, 1 at Yokomon, 1 at Bukamon, 1 at Tokomon, and 1 at Tsunomon.
Read and review please, or Oko will come after you with her katana.