Xantus awoke from his silent sleep, and noticed Iñaki whimpering in her sleep. He smiled a slight smile, and removed his black glove to expose an equally black hand, which he placed gingerly upon her forehead. When she felt his cold flesh, Iñaki stopped whimpering, and quietly snuggled up against his outstretched leg. A single black tear fell from his ebon eyes, making Iñaki flinch when it fell upon her cheek. Both their pasts came flooding back to him... -------Inside both their dreams . . . -------- "I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!!" His eyes **GLOWED** a bright white. His father backed away in as much fear as Dryder. "I will destroy everything, including you! Your damn spells can't stop me! I REFUSE TO LET YOU DO THIS ANYMORE!! You will have taken my lover!" "You can't do this," Dryder yelled above the swiftly rising wind. "You'll die too!" "I don't care. I'd rather die and take you with me than let you live any longer!" Petrækä's eyes widened, fear filling them. "Xan, no!" He turned to her sadly. "I'm sorry Petrækä," he whispered as she raised his arms, glowing brighter still. "NO! I will *NOT* lose you too!" She ran up to him against all the wind and energy flying around. She reached out and held him in a tight embrace, only wincing slightly at the searing pain that raced through her body as the energy burned her. Gently, Xan leaned in and kissed Petrækä's lips, as she began to glow as well. After a few moments, the light faded, and Petrækä fell away, disfigured and burned from head to foot. Xan's eyes were wide with anguish and surprise as he slowly fell to her side. A single black tear escaped his lifeless eyes before he fell back in a heap, eyes still staring in pain and sorrow. Dryder lay dead on the floor, its body disappearing completely in seconds. Iñaki’s hands covered her mouth as she stared fearfully down at the two. "No... Aura, please no... Don't take them too..." She knelt down next to Xantus, tears streaming down his face. Carefully, she reached out and touched his hand, pulling back swiftly at how hot it felt. She shook her head, disbelief and sorrow in her eyes. Petrækä's form rose, and took on the form of Sidneil, coming up behind her and pulling her into an embrace, trying to comfort her, even through his own pain. ---------Shadow Realm---------- Iñaki and Xantus both stirred in their sleep, as a silent messenger lay a small parcel next to Iñaki, before slipping back into the dark. Xantus awoke, hearing a faint scream coming from far away echoing in his head. "No... He couldn't have..."

Kris: Hm... This looks familiar...
Pete: It should. You typed it. Names have been changed thought...
Kris: *blank* Right...
Just&Pete: *smack foreheads in exasperation*

"Rashi Koherea to see you, M’Lady" a guard stood in a deep darkness before a hidden figure. "Send him in." A pale white hand motioned for the guard to retrieve Rashi. Moments later, Rashi was before the figure, down on one knee. "M’Lady…I have been traveling far in this accursed realm and request your humble favor." he did not look up, to show respect, and fear; yet, he felt neither for her. "Hmm.." she paused for a moment before continuing. "Rashi Koherea…you have been traveling around destroying the good in this realm. For that I am thankful. But what would make u feel you have a right to ask me, Iya Corantie of the Darkened Royal Family for a favor?" she laughed as she finished. Rashi didn’t move. He knew what was next. She walked out of the shadows hiding her and towards him, revealing her form. She was pale white all over with glowing silver hair. Her gown flowed a lavender lightness as she stepped gracefully light. She smiled a smile of such beauty and hatred that, had Rashi been looking at it, would make him shudder. "Complete one task and I shall grant any favor you ask of me." Her smile grew more evil as Rashi raised his head slightly to ask: "what is this task." he knew the basics of what it may be, but wanted to hear her say it. "Kill Xantus Magnus" She stepped away and returned moments later with a large sword. "This is the Sword of Darkness Embodied in Light. Sodel for short." she handed it to him as he rose from the ground. "This is the only weapon forged that can kill him and spare your life. Take it and complete my task and I will......" she walked away slowly and softly as Rashi stood there in awe at the sword."...send…you...home........" she vanished as Rashi smiled. She had known the while time what his favor was. He sheathed the sword and turned around to leave. "Rashi." Rashi stopped dead in his tracks. "Rashi, you must kill the girl, as well." Rashi sighed and turned toward the voice. An old man stood there before him, in rags. "Why do you say that, old man?" "She has grown fond of Xantus...she will try to save him. You MUST kill her first." He reached in his coat and pulled something out. "This will help you bind her. She will feel no pain." He handed Rashi a small parcel and vanished. Rashi put it in his bag and walked out. To find Xantus.

Iñaki stared at the parcel lying on the ground. She carefully picked it up and unwrapped it, only to scream and drop it. "What the hell kinda' sick joke is this?!" Xantus watched as the unicorn's horn rolled away. He cringed inwardly, but only shook his head. "Don't worry. It will protect you, as I'm sure it was intended to." "I am NOT touching a unicorn's horn! Rashi, what the hell are you thinking? Are you *trying* to curse yourself?!" She sighed in exasperation as Xantus picked it up and dropped it into a satchel. Iñaki regarded Xantus timidly, but looked away before he could notice. 'Was that just me? Or did he see it too? Gods, I don't want my clairvoyance to come back...' Her thoughts moved back to the dream, and she shuddered inwardly. 'But everything had been so crisp, so clear... Unless I can read memories now, he had to have seen the same thing. Maybe it only happens like that if we touch... I mean, it *was* cold last night... as if this isn't just as dark... But...' "Iñaki?" Iñaki jumped at the sudden intrusion on her thoughts. "Something on your mind?" "Me? Nah. Just...thinking is all... Thinking and..." "...And remembering?" She looked up at Xantus, but he couldn't read her expression. "No. I still don't remember anything...except Rashi." She sighed again. "And he's gone completely BONKERS!! Why the hell is goin' around killing UNICORNS?! GODS!! And people say *I* have no common sense!" She began stalking off, Xantus right behind her. "Hey, Xantus?" He raised an eyebrow at her suddenly calmer nature. "Yes?" "Um... Do you mind if I wander around a little? Alone? I won't go far, I swear!" Xantus smiled slightly. "I will wait for you hear. If you are gone too long, I will search for you." "Thanks," Iñaki answered, relief shining in her eyes as she turned and walked a ways off...

Xantus waited until Iñaki was out of sight before he sighed. He took on his true form, leaving the human form for his more familiar one. He was shaped like a human, yet not human at all. He resembled a large shadow, standing alone in a field. His huge black wings stretched straight up into the black sky, before he folded them gently behind himself. He bent down to retrieve something from the pocket of his coat, which he had left on the ground. He pulled out a silver disk, about the size of a compact, which he held in his outstretched hand. The familiar form of Izzy appeared. "Yes, agent 6, what can I do for you?" the hologram asked. "Izzy, I am home. How did this happen?" Xantus asked the hologram. "Yes, agent 6, it appears so. Are the targets still with you?" "Not both. I have the girl, but we came here to follow the boy." Izzy nodded. "It is as we feared. The Darkened Royal Family has called him, and he is killing off all the good that is left, ever since you passed on the torch to your brother." Xan nodded. "Ah, and what would the Family want with him?" Izzy solemnly looked at Xantus, "You know why." Xan nodded sadly, "It is an ironic turn of events, no? How shall we keep the destruction from happening?" Izzy disappeared, replaced by a single gold armband. "You know what this is, and you know what it means. . ." Xantus closed his eyes and nodded his head as the armband disappeared completely. The question that bugged him was how. . .

Another Curse