"NO! No, it was a dream! It didn't happen. I'm not remembering anything. It didn't happen!" Iñaki fell to her knees, clutching at her head. She suddenly looked up at Rashi, glaring through tears. "Damnit, Rashi! I DIDN'T WANT TO REMEMBER!!" Rashi jumped, taken aback by her reaction. "You don't know," she whispered softly as she wiped away her tears. "You don't know what it's like. For all we've been through, you don't know! I'm only 16! I've been raped, nearly sacrificed, died, killed - in cold blood! - married, pregnant... Gods, Rashi, I don't wanna remember all of that!" Iñaki took a deep breath, then stood, turning away from him. Her expression was cold, and her eyes were now devoid of emotion. "I can't live like this, Rashi. I can't live with these memories. I've lost everything! I even lost you at one point." She shook her head fiercely. "I know it's you, and you're back, but..." She turned to face him, and he gasped quietly at how empty her eyes were. "I can't keep these memories. If I allow myself to remember, I'll go insane. I just want to live a normal life, or at least as normal as it can be. I... I don't know what to do."

Xantus quietly awaits Rashi's response. . .

Kris: *blink* Well, that's short n' sweet...

"Iñaki, n-" Rashi started. "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!" Iñaki turned and ran away from Rashi. A tear streaked down his cheek as he reached out for her only to see her slip away through his fingers in the distance. "Iñaki...." Rashi lowered his head and arm for a moment, then rose his head, a new stern look on his face. He felt the energy within him flow steadily and strongly. "DORE!!" He released his wand with one arm motion and called for the DoRean card. "Take me to DoRe, NOW!" he instructed the card and followed as it flew off in a direction. A few moments later Rashi stood behind a tall, dark stranger. "You’re not DoRe...."

Xantus stiffens at the young voice behind him. He stands up from his crouching position, and turns around. He towers over the boy named Rashi, emotionlessly staring down at him. "Who are you? Where is DoRe?" Rashi asked annoyingly, unfazed by the stranger's dark demeanor. Xantus remains silent, looking down the street behind Rashi. Rashi notices this, and turns around. "What is it?" Rashi asks. Xantus silently strides past Rashi, who is annoyed at the stranger's quietness. Rashi struggles to keep up with Xantus' long strides. "Where are you going?" Rashi asks. Xantus turns his head towards Rashi, his dark eyes staring through Rashi. "Following the girl," Xantus says, his deep, raspy voice causing Rashi to shiver. "What do you want with her?" Rashi asks, still jogging to keep up with Xantus. Xantus stops, a look of concern on his face. The corners of his mouth turn ever so slightly upwards. "Come here, Rashi." Rashi gives Xantus a startled look. "How do you know my name?" Xantus shakes his head, saying, "We have precious little time. Come here." Rashi begins to back away from Xantus, not quite trusting the stranger. Xantus rushes forward, quicker than Rashi could see. Suddenly, Rashi finds himself flying high above Tokyo. He grips onto Xantus' wrists tighter, his feet dangling below him. He looks up, and sees two huge jet black wings jut out of Xantus' back. Xantus' eyes narrow as he spots Iñaki far below them. "Hang on," Xantus says cryptically as he drops into a nose dive. He protectively pulls Rashi up into a bear hug, and swoops behind Iñaki, matching her speed. . .

Iñaki stared at the...thing...person...thing that was suddenly right next to her. "What the hell...?!" She broke off in a different direction, only to have whatever was following her turn as well. She stopped, suddenly scared, and turned to face it. "What are you?! What do you want?!" The figure landed, dropping Rashi in front of itself. "I've been watching you," he stated blandly, a strange power in his voice. Rashi moved beside Iñaki, who glared at him slightly, moving farther from him. "What do you want?" she repeated. He stared at her, his black eyes piercing through her, a strange smile brushing his lips. "To observe." "Observe?" Rashi looked confused. "Observe what?" "Observe you." "Why?"

Xantus's smile left his face, and once again his face was emotionless. He looked off into the distance. "Your dimensions are in danger, and I am here to protect them. To do that, I must watch you," he said. "Watch me? Why me?" Rashi asked innocently. "No, I must watch both of you," Xantus said. His black eyes looked down menacingly over the two of them. "I am now, your shadow," he added, a slight smile returning. "Why do you have to watch us? What do we have to do with the danger our dimensions are in?" Iñaki asked, and Xantus shook his head. "The time to answer that is not now. When the time comes, all shall be revealed. . ." And with that, Xantus refused to answer any more questions.

Sarcasm and Other Problems