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8/12 7:46 pm, est. - Kired - Message Board
I've gotten a message board for the site up, so eveyone check it out! It looks pretty cool, but I can't customize the skin, but I know there is a way. Let's up I can find out. Well, that's it for now, see you all later!

8/7 11:35 pm, est. - Kired - V 2.0?
Well... it looks like I've finally gotten around to doing something with the site, and guess what? It's Layout Version 2.0! We do have a few reviews in and stuff, but I want to get the layout completely perfect before we start making new pages.... Well, this was a short post, but expect more soon. Later.

7/21 @ 1:55 am, est. - Kired - Layout Complete
V 1.0 of the site layout is up, and I'm pretty satisfied with it. As of right now, I have no image editor program, so the layout is pretty plain, with no flashy pics of Anime figures, but, that may change in later layout versions. I'm sure I'll have a program before this site is completely done, and new layouts will be out then. But, like I said, for now, this is suitable. It looks pretty good anyways, so it will do. We're currently working on the next phase, figuring out which anime's to have on our site. DBZ is a must of course, as well as some others. Be sure to check back for any more updates, although progress will be slow for awhile due to my schedule. See you all later.