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Here lies the Official Anhelia Website. Enjoy your visit trough the halls of :

  • Illusory Art

  • Phantasmagoria Joy

  • Cast of the Nightmare

  • Entertaining Maelstrom

  • Cruel Fate

  • **August 5 2004** ANHELIA'S DIARY IS ON HIATUS. The reason is, I've lost interest, due to all the work I'm putting into Revelia Castle, the Sign Warriors typed story, and the Gilligan Doujinshi. BUT! I am working on a new design for the Anhelia website, well, whatever this 20 MB account will allow me. Anhelia's Diary is not over. It is just in Stasis. While you wait, go visit my main site at Shinseiki Revelia Castle For more art, rants, goodies, etc. Thank you!

    Anhelia's Diary Questionnings
    Are you happy Anhelia's gonna have a 5th episode?

    I wish Shiro'd hurry up

    Unofficial Anhelia Theme: Engel By Rammstein

    Anhelia's diary, Anhelia, Anhelion, Cherry, Obscure Cherub, Akumatekon and anything that has any relevence to Anhelia's world is Copyright 2001-2004 Sharon Gauthier.
    Akumateki is Copyright 2001-2004 Sharon Gauthier and Puppydog Johnny.

    Hands off you hot-luvin' monkis. If I catch you I'll spank you till your ass gets....even redder.