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The Shy in Me

To begin...yes...I am a bit shy. But once you get to know me, my shyness disappears. Watching the good life. Yup. Doesn't it make you want to and stuff and junk. Yea...junk. Well to the surfers there are many things I could tell you but would you be reading this? Hmm...I don't know. That is why i will make it as entertaining as can be. Yea...shoot...what else should i say...uhhh...Yay!?!? Ok fine well here goes nothing. Ever since i was a small wee-lad I have been very shy. I didn't even want to say any bad words. I thought I was going to end up single with no one to hug and love. and hold.Thanks to my dirty minded, outspoken, horny friends. Dudes you guys rock!!! If it weren't for them I would be extremely shy right now. Little by little i learned to speak on my own. Hehehe. And boy did I speak. In Junior High i got in trouble a couple of times but it wasn't a big deal. I talked too much but I put limits on myself. I didn't want to ruin my education. Whoa...flashback.
There have been times that I regret. I was way too shy to confront a girl that I liked since Garvey Intermediate. Too bad. Now she has a boyfriend. :( Hey what could i do. That is why i tell my friends. "Don't be shy because if you don't go up to that will never know"
