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Win an Award

Fun Stuff
Links Site
Fan Stuff

So you want to win an award eh? No Problemo. Just see if you meet the requirement's. Then fill out the quickmailer below, include your site address, and what award you want.

This Award is not easy. I don't give these out like candy. OK first your site has to rock. I mean i have to really like it. Have alot of content. Fun stuff for ppl to do. I don't like boring same ol same ol site's. Have alot of pics. I really like reading fan fic's. Have an easy to navigate layout. o and this might help. have a link to my site it will better your chances. Well Good luck.

Basicly All your site has to have for this award is a half decent amount of content on a DBZ family. A family not just a couple. Should have at least pictures of every family member. a small amount of info. and atleast one fun thing to do. Fan fics count. good luck!

There's not much to winning this award just have a nice site on DBZ with a cute layout.And nice content. that bout it.

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