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~Conquests of Camelot Walkthrough~

This is the walkthrough I wrote; I did it as I played, so there shouldn't be anything missing from it. Hopefully it ought to help some, at least. If anyone actually PLAYS that game. The attached lists will be added shortly. Enjoy! ^^

The first thing you want to do when you start is to put your pointer at the very top of the screen, click and hold, and move it until you find the speed menu. Click “FASTER”. You might want to do this several times, since if you don’t, Arthur moves at the speed of an arthritic inchworm. One extra tip is that if someone is talking, you can hit ‘Enter’ to make them shut up faster—the same with Merlin (the grey speech things that pop up all the bloody time).

Once you have done that, what you want to do is click on the square that Arthur is standing on. This will take you to your room. Once inside, type in these things:
........GET PURSE
Once you have done those things, leave the room.

Next go to the tower diagonal upwards from you, the one with the offshoot. Do not got to the offshoot itself at this time, just the main tower. This is your treasury. Once inside, walk up to the Treasurer and type these things:
........GIVE PURSE
........GET COPPER
........GET SILVER
........GET GOLD
........GET PURSE
If you want to see a goodie that only works in this room, turn around and type HAM AND JAM AND SPAM A LOT. Just try it. See what happens. ^^
After this, you want to leave the room.

After the treasury, you want to click on the square-within-a-square—it’ll be obvious. This is your wife’s bower. Once there, you want to walk up to the rosebush and type these things:
........SPEAK (type this 4 times in a row! You get different messages!)
........GET ROSE
........KISS GWENHYVER (you can do this up to three times, and if you try again she says something funny and won’t let you)
After this you leave.

Next you go to the leftmost tower, diagonal downwards from Gwenhyver’s bower. This is the Chapel. Go to one of the altars and type this:
........GIVE MONEY (choose only one gold piece to give to each)
The altar of christ should give you a cool vision thing if you give it gold. You CAN give it silver and skip the vision, but that’s beside the point; while you’re still in Camelot, you don’t have to worry about money, since you can always go back and get more.
Then type STAND, repeat the kneeling/money-giving process with the other altar, and then leave. Do not forget to do this with both altars. If you do, you will die.

Next go to the small tower that offshoots from the treasury. This is Merlin’s tower. Go in and type SPEAK. Merlin will say something. Then walk up to the scroll that’s spread out on that podium thing, and type READ SCROLL. This is a rather useful tidbit that will help you later on. Next walk around behind the table with all the beakers on it to stand in front of that map, and type READ MAP. This is your opportunity to look at all the places you will want to go later on. The only important ones are these ones, though, so memorize where they are: Glastonbury Tor, Ot Moor, Southampton. After you read the map, walk over to the chest by the other wall and type these things:
........OPEN CHEST
After that, type SAY GOODBYE (just to be polite) and then leave.

Next go to that weirdly-shaped white rectangle at the other end of your castle (it’s the only WHITE shape that’s not included in the square formed by the towers). This is the courtyard, where there are four guards, a horse and a mule. Go to the guard that is both farthest from you and closest to your horse and type these things:
Then give the guard a gold piece and leave.

At this point it’s a good idea to go back to the treasury and repeat the purse-giving, money-getting, purse-getting-back process. That way you start out with more money than you would if you didn’t refill. Since you need this money later, that’s important.

Go back to the courtyard and walk around so that you’re standing next to the horse, partially blocking it from view. You have to be on the horse’s left side to be able to mount. Once you are, type MOUNT and you’ll climb onto the horse. Then walk out the gate.

The next little part is just walking through the porticullis. The only purpose this has is killing you if you forget to appease the gods by leaving offerings in the Chapel. If the porticullis falls on you and kills you, then you need to restore and go back to the Chapel and make the offerings.

Leaving that screen should take you to the map; go to Glastonbury Tor. You should come out in a forest with a weird little shrine in it. SAVE here just in case. Then walk up to the shrine. This little dude will pop out and yell a poem about copper and tin at you; just walk up to the shrine and give him one copper piece. If you don’t give him a copper, he will take all of your money and you can’t go back to Camelot to get more. So please humor the bastard if you want to continue. He should leave you alone just fine if you pay him. Go left to the next screen.

The next screen is more forest, with a blond guy standing there and some deerskins that are hanging on poles. Type these things:
........GIVE MONEY (give him one silver piece; without it he won’t talk to you)
........BUY SPEAR
........GIVE MONEY (give him one gold piece, which is the cost of the spear)
Just for fun, you can type BUY SKINS, and he’ll say you’ve already paid for them. It doesn’t do anything, but it’s just something you can do.
After this, start to walk left to the other side of the screen; your mule will run away. There is no way to avoid it, so don’t worry about it. Save here—the next puzzle is bloody annoying to win. Go left.

After you cross left to the next screen, you won’t be able to move anywhere; this is normal. Wait a moment and a boar will appear. You have to kill three boars in a row to get across, or they kill you; my best advice is to thrust the spear much sooner than you think you need to—before the boar reaches your horse’s hooves. It also helps to use the background music as a cue. You will die many times attempting this, but be patient; you eventually get past. Once you kill the third boar, you lose your spear, but you won’t need it anyway. Continue left to the next screen. Make sure to save; you wouldn’t want to have to do that challenge again, would you?

On the next screen is a rock with a knight’s skeleton at it’s base and a crow perched on top of it. The crow will talk to you; ignore him and start to walk towards the rock. He’ll talk to you again; when he says “do you accept the challenge”, type YES. He’ll call you a fool and fly away. Then walk up to the knight’s skeleton and type GET SLEEVE. You’ll need this sleeve later on.
Just for a goodie, go back to the really big oak tree at the front of the screen and type SPEAK TREE. It’ll yell at you to leave it alone. ^^
After this, go right to the next screen. Next you run into the Black Knight. He’ll speak to you, and ask you if you’ll joust for the life of Sir Gawaine; type YES. The joust is fairly easy—you’ll use the right and left arrow keys on your arrow pad; basically, for each pass, you’ll want to hit the right arrow, and then try to hit the left arrow so that you hit him in the shoulder as he goes by. You have to unhorse him three times to win, but it’s really, really easy once you get the hang of it. Still, you might want to save before you accept his challenge, especially if you’re a newbie. Once you’ve beaten him, continue right to the next screen.

Gawaine will be shackled to a tree on the next screen. You’ll want to type DISMOUNT and then walk up to Gawaine’s tree and type CUT SHACKLES. Then type GIVE HORSE. This’ll cause you to put Gawaine on your horse and send him back to Camelot; you continue on foot. Save here and continue right.

There’ll be an old hag on a pedestal; walk forward and she’ll yell at you that she wants something and threaten to turn you into stone if you don’t give it to her. Type GIVE SLEEVE (since it’s the lady’s sleeve she wants) and once you give it to her, she’ll turn into a young woman and run off. Runes will appear on the pedestal; type READ RUNES. The missing words aren’t hard to figure out: “…You must ask for A RIDDLE”. Then go through the opening in the stones to the upper left.

There’ll be six stones there, and your mule will be grazing behind them. Try to walk between them; you’ll get bounced back. Go to a stone and type SPEAK STONE. It’ll give you a riddle (see attached riddle list) to answer. Type the answer and the stone should turn purple. Do this with each stone until they’re all purple, then walk between them. You’ll vanish off the screen—this is normal. In a sec you’ll be transported to the center of the ruins at Glastonbury Tor.

Go down to the next screen and you’ll find a monk and a locked well. Go up to the monk (but don’t get too close or he’ll run before you can talk to him) and type:
........DRAW SWORD
He’ll run away when you ask about the grail, but you need your sword out so you can kill him in the next screen. Ignore the well and follow him off left.

When you get to the next screen, there’ll be three monks with clubs running around. Two of them aren’t real. Go to stand behind the stone thing so you can’t see yourself and hit the spacebar; if you can see your sword’s point poke out behind the rock, you’re in place. Just keep hitting the spacebar non-stop, whether the monks are in range or not; eventually you’ll kill the right one and win. Then these things called the Old Ones will show up and tell you that you’re not allowed to leave the ruins; then they’ll disappear.

Go back the way you came (right) to the screen with the well. Then go up two screens and you’ll find an altar. Stand in front of the altar (you have to get between it and that little annoying rock outcropping on the ground) and type SPEAK OLD ONES. They’ll appear and talk to you, and then disappear again. Then type GIVE MONEY and put no less than five silver pieces on the altar. Any less and they’ll make you try again. Then they’ll appear and say you’re released from their service, and they’ll leave you a key. Type GET KEY and then save your game.

Go back down two screens to the well and stand in front of it. Type:
........CLOSE WELL
Then go up two screens to the altar, and then up one more screen. This’ll bring you back to your mule and the riddle-stones. Go down and your mule will follow you.

This’ll bring you to the map again, and you want to pick Ot Moor (it’s at the top). It’ll be snowy—you can’t mistake it for anywhere else. Go right one screen and you’ll come to a sheet of ice. Go up one screen, onto the ice, and as soon as you get to the next screen, save your game. Once you have saved, type LOVE IS MY SHIELD. A little oval whirlwind of petals will appear and begin moving. Getting across the ice sheets depends on this whirlwind. Click on the center of it with your mouse pointer and keep clicking nonstop, following it all across the screen. If you let it get ahead of you (or you get ahead of it) the ice will start to crack under you, even if it was safe a moment before, and you can die very quickly if you don’t keep up. If you get ahead of the whirlwind, DO NOT wait for it to catch up; beging clicking on the center again immediately. Eventually you’ll get to a palace with steps; once you get onto the steps the whirlwind disappears. Go through the doors.

You’ll come into a room with a white-robed lady and a man in a pillar of ice. This man is Launcelot. Walk up to the lady and type:
........GIVE HEART
She’ll lead you to another room with a bush of flowers on it and tell you about the test. You should type READY. She’ll talk some more. Then save your game and type READY again, and the test will begin (see attached list of flower riddles). Once you solve it, she’ll take you back to the first room, free Launcelot and make him disappear. Then she’ll transport you back to your mule across the ice so you don’t have to cross it again. Go left two screens, which brings you back to the map.

Choose Southampton. There’ll be a ship and a guy. Go up to the guy and type:
........BOOK PASSAGE TO GAZA (give him three gold pieces)
He’ll let you on the ship, then you can sit back and watch the sequence wherein you sail. It’s kinda cute. ^^

You’ll wake up (with a hangover, I might add) and get off the ship. Both a boy and a black-clad man will talk to you, and both will persuade you to go with them. Type GO WITH BOY. The man is evil and wants to kill you. You’ll follow the boy, who’ll take you to an old man who says he is a Guardian and offers you food and drink. You can type EAT and DRINK as many times as you want until there isn’t anything left (even if Merlin warns you not to, you can still drink the entire beaker of quah and you won't lose points or anything). After that, you’ll want to type this:
........ASK ABOUT GODDESSES (you want to write down the goddesses and their symbols for later)
Then leave the room.

The next screen will be the desert, and you’ll run into that guy again, who again offers to help you. Ignore him and go down. Once you’ve gone down, you need to go right, down and right and you’ll come to a pool. The guy will be there again. Do not drink the water; it’s poisoned. Draw your sword and the guy will run; then go right and then up. You’ll come to a building. A woman will be freaked out by you and run away, but she's just random and doesn't need to be chased or anything. Go down the steps into the building; down there is a pool; type DRINK WATER. That way you’ll be refreshed from being in the desert. Go back up the steps and go up a screen.

You’ll come to more desert with the city walls visible at the top. Save your game. Then draw your sword and head up a screen. Sometimes nothing happens, but sometimes that guy in black shows up and tries to kill you; just hit the spacebar as he comes close and you’ll kill him. Then sheathe your sword and head up.

There will be four men there, who will threaten you; type GIVE MONEY and give him four copper pieces. They’ll let you pass; go left, then up, then left again. You’ll come to another gate; walk towards it. You’ll be stopped by a man asking for money. Draw your sword and he’ll run away. Then go through the gate.

You’ll come to a screen with a half-naked little street rat guy and another guy in a turban. As soon as you walk in, the street rat will run away with your purse; there is no way to avoid it or to get it back, so don’t bother chasing him. Go to the guy in the turban instead, and type:
........SELL MULE
The guy will buy the mule from you and tell you the conversions for the local coinage. Write it down. Then save your game.

First, walk around and check things out. Make sure you know how to get places and find everyone, since they’re ALL important. Then find the lady selling green apples and talk to her. Buy the Apple of Truth from her (by giving her one gold piece), and then eat it. She’ll tell you to wander around doing good deeds. Go back to the first screen you came in on, then go left.

Buy a mirror from FARABI IBN KHALID. He is fat and wears a purple and yellow striped robe. Be sure to SPEAK with him too, and with everyone else.

Talk to HAYYAM IBN AZIZ. He sells fish.

Don’t try to talk to the grain guy at first. He won’t talk until you do something.

Talk to the TARIQ IBN RASHID; he sells herbs (they’re hanging from the ceiling) and he has a broom. Buy the herbs and some charcoal from him.

Talk to the beggar and give him the charcoal.

Give the herbs to the fish guy. Then the grain guy will talk to you; buy grain from him.

Go talk to the guy selling meat; buy a cut of lamb (NOT the whole leg) from him. Then go next door and buy a relic from the guy with the plaster head in his doorway. When he asks for the name of the saint, type whatever name you find most amusing; anything will work.

Go back and give the relic to the herb guy; he should give you the broom.

Talk to the guy selling rugs. Then go next door and talk to the felafel lady. Buy a felafel and give it to the little boy next to her stall. Then give her the lamb.

Go to the first screen (the one where you got robbed) and type CALL MARI. She’ll appear in a window and speak to you. Type THROW MIRROR. She’ll catch it and go back inside; type CALL MARI again and when she asks what you want, type GET VEIL. She’ll toss you the veil.

Give the veil to the rug guy.

Go to the inn (it has a pentagram above the door), type KNOCK and give the guy the broom. Stay the night there.

Then go back to the first screen where you called Mari from and there should be a girl there who is crying. If she is not there, wander around for a bit and come back. Once she is, talk to her. Then type THROW GRAIN. She’ll tell you that you’ve passed your tests and to go back to the apple lady.

Go talk to the seeress and she’ll send you to Fatima (it’s the big door with the star and the crescent all by itself left of the relic guy’s shop). She’ll also give you another apple; save it for later.

Go to Fatima’s door and type KNOCK. She’ll let you in. Type SPEAK, and then she’ll try to tempt you with a couple of things; answer NO both times. Then type:
She’ll tell you about the test, and she’ll ask for your purse. Walk up to her and give her the purse, then save your game. Enter the room and begin the test; refer back to the notes you took about the Goddesses and their symbols. If you screw up, you can try again as many times as you need to. (See attached table of Goddess riddles.)

Go to the beggar now, and type SPEAK. Save your game before you go on from here. Then type OPEN THE CATACOMBS. He’ll give you an elixer and let you in.

My advice is to save your game in a separate file and continue to save in that alternate file until you get out of the catacombs. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in there, and you have to be really careful.

Go up and then right and you should find a child mummy with a medallion on it. Type GET MEDAL WITH SWORD. You can’t just say ‘get medal’ because you’ll get bitten by the poisonous rats. Go up twice to get to the sarcophagus room and walk up to it. The medallion will repel the thing inside; type GET GOLDEN APPLE. Type READ INSCRIPTION (you may have to find a better position to be able to read it). Then go left, right and right again; you’ll find Galahad. When you enter the room, you’ll get bitten by a rat; you can’t avoid it, so don’t worry about it—it just means you can’t screw around and you have to get things done quickly. Go up to Galahad and type GIVE ELIXER. Then you have to go left, up, right and then down to find the statue of Aphrodite. Type GIVE GOLDEN APPLE.

Then the statue will come to life and give you a test (see attached Statue riddles). Then she’ll give you directions to follow; write them down. Use the lodestone to find your way around, and follow her directions exactly, even if it means doubling back. Don't ignore the lodestone and trust that up is north, down is south and so on; you'll be really sorry, really fast. Eventually you'll get to a room where a door will open and a skeleton will fall out. When this happens, type LOOK AT SKULL. Then go out.

When you get out of the catacombs, head left and then down; if there isn’t a guy there, keep looking around, you’ll find him. When he’s done talking, type EAT GREEN APPLE. Then save your game. Then type GET HELMET. You’ll have to fight him using the arrow keys. Up is a head shot, left or right (depending on which side of you he's on) is a shot at his midsection, and down is a knee shot. You can also back up out of his range by using the left or right aroow keys (again, depending on which way you're facing). You should be able to figure out through trial and error how to use your shield; I used to know how, but my arrow keys are slightly nonresponsive because of a keyboard problem, so there's no way for me to be sure what keys you use for the shield. Try to time your strikes quickly and not tire yourself out.

When he dies, type USE DOVE. Aphrodite will appear. When she is gone, go one screen to the right, and go to the third pillar. Then type PUSH PILLAR. The Grail will be underneath it. If you’ve done everything right, it will cure you of the poison; if you die, it means you forgot to do something. I hate to say it, but if you die here, there's no way to go back and fix it without starting your game over.

In a second, the theif that stole your purse in Jerusalem will steal the Grail; chase him (it’s not hard) and if you keep close enough to his heels his escape rope will break. If, however, you don't follow him fast enough, it won't break and he'll escape. When he begs, type SHOW MERCY and take the Grail.

Then you’ve won! ^^ Sit back and watch the end!

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