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Although some things try and keep us apart, As long as we're strong, we're still together, So long as we ar in each other's heart, Our love will be stronger than any tether. The binding we've mad is stronger than steel, Though we long to bind it with that one thing, The greatest thing we could possibly feel, That of which many an ballad doth sing. You and me, together, will always be, As the relationship of Earth and moon, Of which never meet, but always can see, I hope that we end such nonsense soon. Possible these days, most anything is, Even for us to meet, in perfect bliss.


this isn't too bad

Project R.I.N.O.A.

You are Sephiroth!
You are Sephiroth, killing somebody to achieve your
goals is not above you. Your priority is
thinking about your own power, and then
utilizing it to destroy the population. You and
you're parents have a strange connection, they
believe you are the best..yet you strive to
prove your power to them.

Which Final Fantasy villain are you?
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