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Vegeta Never Looked So Good...

Sorry, dudes, I'm closing down ALL of my sites... all two of 'em. I'd love to put up aaaaalll of my Vegeta pics, and now Yu-Gi-Oh! pics and Ken Ichijouji pics and even pics of Kyle Broflovski (yes, from South Park) all over my sites and stuff, but I don't have the time. Also, like I've said a TRILLION times by now, I don't own a comp. These two that are in my house belong to my 'rents. But since I'm working like 30 hrs a week at K-Mart (until June or so), I can't take any time to work on my sites. That and the fact that typically my only two days off are on the weekends, and my 'rents REALLY don't want me on the 'net then. So, I'm putting everything onto many floppy disks, letting my 'rents clean out the older comp, then mebbe putting the pics back on the hard drive and waiting until I can get a comp of my own (with internet access this time...) before trying again. Unfortunately, that could take like five years. Yeah, five YEARS. Maybe more. I know for a fact nobody has that kinda patience (prolly not even enough to read this whole thing thru), so if you just wanna talk to me by email or IM, I'll leave the info at the bottom, K?? Like I said, I don't have the time anymore to manage websites, and I do apologise to those who have been waiting and waiting for nothing.

So... to quote Eric Cartman (of South Park, of course), "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

Here's my emails if you wanna get in touch with me or something.
I'm planning on getting another email addy, but if you wanna IM me, I ONLY have MSN Messenger. Here's the IM addy if you wanna try to IM me.
So buh-bye to everyone out there, I s'pose, although I'll still be surfing the net and all. ^_~
-V-Shady, keeper of the 1-star DragonBall
26 Jan. 2005