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A Sentinel Series Adventure

  Hello! How are you? Glad you stopped by my web site, whether by accident or on purpose. Anyway, "Welcome" to Sentinel Series, a web site dedicated to Animation. Anime and I go back a long ways. To a time when Astro Boy, Speed Racer and a host of others Japanese animation first came to the USA  
  That was a time when kids like me still called animation cartoons. It was pretty obvious that there was a big difference when you set them beside American favorites like Bugs Bunny, Popeye and Superman of the day.  
  Something about the eyes of Japanese animation characters perhaps. But whatever the reason, all I knew was that they were fun to watch. And so I became an Anime fan without even trying.  
But man have things changed since the days of Astro Boy. Animation is everywhere these days. They even found their niche in the big Screen movies. Incredible isn’t it.
  Well anyway over the years I’ve tried my hand at creating my own animation characters. One here one there, until I realized I had quite a few of these things sketched out in a lot of those spiral notebooks kids use in school. You’ll see some of my efforts in this site - No doubt since it’s what I created it for. They’re a far cry from the pro’s, but it was something I had to get out of my system and onto paper or computer screen I suppose. There was that nagging little voice that makes you wonder from time to time if you can do something like that. Animation does something to fans like us. I don’t know exactly what, but it strikes a chord that makes you think, wow! That’s a cartoon. Stick people have nothing on this.  
With this site I’ll try to hook you up to the pro’s like Manga, Ad vision, Pioneer, Anime get the idea.
  As you can see this site is still under construction, so in the meantime go check out those sites and see the real incredible world of animation. Thanks again for dropping by! And also a big thank you goes out to Angelfire.
They really set me up five by five. Great team the people at Angelfire. Thanks Angelfire obviously, I couldn’t have done this without you.. Oh, by the way “Angelfire” Awesome name. I like it!

Thanks again web surfer! This site will be updated every now and least that's the idea. Take it slow-if you can afford to that is. Be talking to ya!


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