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Times Two: The Evil Geniuses

Ah, the two evil geniuses in Digimon Adventure & Digimon Tamers. Ichijouji Ken & Makino Ruki. This site is their home, now. I will try my best from refering to things from the dub, since the dub is stupid. I'm from America, so the dub is what I saw first, but in Tamers, the Japanese version was what I knew first. I'll keep working on this site, for as long as I can, and keep you updated on any changes I hear about Tamers. I may end up using SOME dub, but not in the bios.
Yuki Tenshi

---Ichijouji Ken---
---Makino Ruki---
---Ken' Digimon: Wormmon---
---Ruki's Digimon: Renamon---
---Fan Works---
---Links Outta Here---
---The Memorial---

December 20, 2002
Okay, so, I lied... I just had this itch to do something, so I fixed the site. All the pictures are working, I added a few new pictures, I completed Ruki's bio, since it didn't have the ending in it, I added my buttons(link to me), and I fixed the links on the links page, since a few of them have moved. I guess I'm keeping this place for a while, then!
C ya!
Yuki Tenshi

December 21, 2001
Haven't been around in a while, sorry.
Bad news{or not, depending on how you feel about the situation!}I'm thinking about closing this site! I'll keep the Memorial open, and I'll still help run it, but this site has become a little too much work, no one ever seems to come here, and I don't have the time anymore. School is taking too much out of me. I get home, do my homework, and basically go to bed. I'm sorry you guys. I'll try and keep the site up as long as I can.
C ya!
Yuki Tenshi

September 29, 2001
Okay, updated the Memories section some more. Haven't been around lately, I know. I'm gonna try to be better about that. We hope we'll have another update soon.
We are at war. Hide Bin Laden! We're coming to get ya! MUHAHAHAHAH!!! ^_~
Yuki Tenshi

September 17, 2001
Okay, normal updates... I fixed any broken links, Katmon =^.^= warned me to them, and Katmon =^.^= signed my guestbook! Arigatou Katmon =^.^=!
I added a link about me! Oh Gods! You can learn about me! *gasp, wheeze* I've been in school too long. Do ya know, I told my teacher she sucked in class today. I'm just glad I didn't get a detetion!
It's still scary, being so close to the Pentagon... But I guess it will always be like that... Oh well, we'll survive, I hope!
Bai-Bai! {Sign the guestbook! ^_^"}
Yuki Tenshi

September 14, 2001
What is it now, three days after the tragic happening in NY, PA, & DC? And I'm sitting at this computer, freezing my ass off.
Well, at least this time the news is better. Three of the black boxes have been found, two at the Pentagon, one in PA. {Do ya know, the plane in PA went down in my chorus teacher's friend's field! ^_~}
It's actually quite odd, seeing these places on the TV. I hope you all visit the memorial, or try and help victims and their families, if you can.
And as the ppl in NY cried as Bush finished his speech earlier...
Yuki Tenshi

September 11, 2001
Who knew! The first day this site is up! America's run into tragity! I feel for those who've lost family and friends, my prayers go out to you.
I live near Washington DC, and we felt the sonic boom as it hit the Pentagon! We didn't know what it was at the time. We found out about 30 minutes later, and we were devestated. Imagine if that had been us!
I'm going to try and get something up, in honor of our opening, and the tragic happenings. There's a song on my radio station that's so beautiful, and matches this date so perfectly, that it takes your breath away. I'm going to try for the lyrics. I'll see if I can get the actual song up later. I'll start working on the memorial soon. Both my friend, Katmon, and I will have a link to it. We'll get pictures up from actual coverage.
This day of pain and suffering...
Will be remembered!
Yuki Tenshi

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