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Xiad Nine Realm of RPGs

October 10th, 2001

Since the tragic events I have been pondering about what the president and the mayor said. "Get back to your daily lives, everything will be fine." I don't know how I could with a war going on. Many times I thought maybe I should disconnect all my sites for good. Well, I have made up my mind! Osama Bin Ladden may be able to destroy our Twin Towers but never, NEVER wil he destroy the pride and love and hope this country has built on the foundation of God. Keep on going all you troops in Afghanistan, we'll take care here.

November 4th 2001

I am glad to announce that I have been alive and on the web for 5 months now. My site is still under contruction kinda but your free to look around. For all you new guys to my site the Xiad (pronounced "Zee-ad")Nine is a powerful magic staff, that is said to be able to crush an army of dragoons. I will also be posting things for my Rpg that I have been working on. I'm trying to get some more links the only one that is really kinda almost complete is Final Fantasy 8. Please email me, I WILL write you back.

December 3rd, 2001

Ho-ho-ho!! Christmas seems so far away but its only in another 22 days (haven't even started my christmas shopping!). I hope you kiddies put alot of RPGs on your list for the holidays! I know I did! Please email me and send me any artwork you have. I'm starting a new part of my website where I will be putting any art people send me. Please email me! I will respond. Another new feature Im going to start is Ultemecia's Gallery. I will feature artwork from anyone who emails me there work.

December 14, 2001

Wow! Almost another year has gone by. Things are going by quick aren't they? Well, I never thought that I would make it to 2002! I always thought that we would've had flying cars or hoverboots by now, but they are working on it maybe in a few years we'll have a department of Paramagic and we'll all be in SeeD special forces! I would be the first student. Well i haven't got too much of a response but thats okay! It hasn't even got well running yet. Please email me if you stumble upon this site!!!

January 18, 2002

Sorry about me not being here for a while. Things have been kind of busy. My website is stil kind of struggling along. And I know no one's really been on my website because they haven't been EMAILING ME!!!!!!!!!!! Well I'm still kinda trying to do this so bear with me for a while. SO if you find this site EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!

March 9, 2002

Yeah, yeah I know noone goes on this site but it's nice to have something to do that keeps my hands busy. Well, usually if I do good on my report card I get a game and all, this is the reason why my video game collection has soared. Well just a little while ago, I got the mother of all RPGs, the game to end all games, the only game that still has Cid, Moogles, and Chocobos, where your guarding a summoner and all that stuff about Yevon. Well I guess you've figure out that the game is ::drum roll:: Final Fantasy 10. This game is so good that I get a tingly feeling everytime I play it. Well, people that is it I'm gonna try to update this site and I know its pointless but please email me your thoughts and suggestions.

May 7th, 2002

Hey people! I'm doing this update staright from my school and there ar like 8 minutes left in the period so I'd better hurry! Nothing is getting done here but I hope I can work on it during the Summer Vacation. I probably won't be able to but who cares? No one vistis this site any way. Well for those of you who do visit this site, PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH YOUR COMMENTS AND POSSIBLY IDEAS FOR THE SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 28th, 2002

Alright this site seems to be falling apart but I will mend it together. I wanted to update you guys (invisible guys) that I'm going to be posting stuff up here relating to my school. At the bottom there is a link to My teacher's(Ms. Bodt) Website. Also I will put a link to my plays website where you can all see ugly pictures of Moi! Bonjour! Wait no that's hello...HEY MA!! WHAT'S GOODBYE IN FRENCH? CIAO?! OK Ciao all and Cheerio darling Cheerio!!

August 11th 2002

Ha ha ha ha! OK OK OK OK Its been like what tenthousand years since I last did this. Ok so I'm adding more pages to satisfy myself. I'm starting the Final Fantasy 7 Webpage, and Balamb Library where you can post your Fan FIcs. SO email me today without delay! Hoo-Boy! I'm such a fag.

September 13th, 2002

Sup all! I have some announcements to make about upcoming things. First off, I have started my first Fan Fic which is entitled Memories Lost.

It's about alot of stuff and it takes place 5 years after Final Fantasy 8. I am also working on my Second Fan Fic and it will be about Final Fantasy 7. The story is actually a prelouge about Yuffie. And umm that is it.

November 1st 2002

Howdy y'all! I really have nothing to say except I am psyched about gettin my new RPG maker. WEll my first one. I have all these Ideas. Another new thing is that I am going to start posting Pics in Ultimecia's Gallery. Some of mine and if you want to post some just email me them. Uhh that is it.

My Favorite RPG Endings

Click Here For Info On Any Of these Games

Do you think that you know all there is to me? Take my QUIZ!

info on Final Fantasy 8

Info on Chrono Cross

Info on Final Fantasy 7

Balamb Library

Ultimecia's Gallery

Info on Final Fantasy Chronicles (includes Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger)