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Outlaw Star Episode I - Outlaw Star

A ship takes off, heading into space. Gene Starwind stands on the edge of a cliff, watching it ascend, and thinks to himself... space. In space, Hilda is being chased by the Kei Pirates. The pirates launch a bunch of smaller ships at Hilda. The small ships succeed in damaging Horace, but Hilda escapes before they can capture her. The pirates are pretty mad. Horace lands on Sentinel III, the same planet Gene is on. A man walks into Freid's Bar. He talks to Freid, and asks about Gene. Freid asks what he wants with Gene. The man says that one of his brothers is staying with him. The man looks at a table in a corner, where Gene, with his back facing him, is sat. Jim Hawking is acrossed from, playing cards, and a girl is on Gene's right. Jim asks what Gene is going to do, and Gene says he's cancelled the game. He stands up and walks to the man. The man can't believe that someone named Butch was beaten by a 'kid' like Gene. The man then introduces himself as Robo Cain, saying that Gene will be his thirty-first victim. And Freid indentifies him as the 'Robo God of Death.' Gene is blowing his nose, throws the tissue down and pisses Cain of by calling him the 'Robo of the Kleenex.' Cain draws a gun, but Gene draws faster and shoots him several times. He slumps to the floor. Jim takes out a small, handheld-computer and tells Gene he's a cyborg. Cain gets up and charges at Gene several times, and Gene dodges them all. Cain looks at Gene and asks him if he always runs away, and Gene says he will if his back is uncovered. Gene takes a gun out and shoots him. Cain says that won't work, and Jim tells Gene to cut his right arm. Gene pulls a knife from his boot and runs forward. He cuts into Cain's arm and slices across, cutting a bunch of wires and robotic machinery. Cain coughs up some blood and falls dead. The girl rushes to Gene and hugs him. Gene says it's alright. Freid wants to know what Gene's going to do about the damages. Gene tells Freid to call the Sheriff, and asks Jim what the bounty on the 'Robo God of Death,' and Jim say's it 4000 wong. Gene says to pay for the damages and give him what's ever left over. Then he says it's going to be a great night. Outside, a group has gathered around the bar, talking excitedly about Gene. One man says he's gotten better, and another says that Freid's bar is screwed up. The view falls upon a blonde women with sunglasses. On a catwalk, Jim is wondering what they're gonna do. He turns and sees Gene watching a ship in the sky. Jim notices it's not in the normal shipping lanes. Gene then suggests they go their separate ways for the night. Gene says he's going to go where the little kids can't follow. Jim says the girls would be happy to see him there, and Gene asks whether or not he wants to become a REAL brother. Jim blushes and looks down. Gene runs off laughing. Jim calls him a worthless bastard. In the ship docks, the Kei Pirate ship lands and the three main pirates descend. They tell the soldiers that Hilda should still be in the area and they jump away to look for her. Inside a building, Gene is siting on a bed, while a woman takes a shower and comes out. She wants to know if Gene is going to go into space someday. Gene says he'll hunt pirates down up there. She says that's impossible and Gene says he knows. A woman runs through the street, chased by the pirate soldiers. The next day, Jim is at 'Starwind and Hawking,' cooking something. Gene is still in bed. Jim tells him to get up and help him with stuff. Jim tells him there's a pirate ship at Sentinel. Jim says he doesn't know what guild. They sit down and start eating, and Gene says his cooking really sucks. The phone starts ringing and the blonde haired girl is on the other line. She needs to upgrade several pieces of equipment and a bodyguard. She introduces herself as Rachel. Jim is checking out Rachel's record, which labels her as Rachel Sweet. He says she's ordered a bunch of heavy stuff: zero-g materials and nanotechnology. Gene leaves, saying he's gonna meet her. At Freid's bar, they meet. Gene wants to know why she's there and she just says, business. Outside, they're waiting for Jim. Gene's says he is late. Rachel says she needs to go to a farming facility 30 Km to the north. Gene looks up and sees a Kei soldier watching him from a roof top. It drops down, and splits into three. The first one tells Gene to back off, and leave the girl, or he'll kill him. Gene and the pirates attack, and Gene kills them all. Jim finally pulls up and they get in. Gene starts to go, and accelerates. And the car falls back down to the ground. They get out and fix it, then take off. Along the road, they stop and come face to face with the pirates. The little girl says they can see through any disguise and names Rachel as Hilda. She throws a bomb in front of the pirates and Gene takes off. The pirate with an extremely big sword does some wierd dance thingie and the Kei soldiers come together, forming a platform to ride on. Gene wants to know when the lies end and the truth starts. Hilda takes her mask off. Gene wants to know why the pirates are chasing her and she says they're both after the same treasure. The pirates catch up and start firing at them. Gene and Jim jump in the back as Hilda takes the wheel. Gene and Jim fires guns at the pirates. The pirate pulls his sword out and fires an energy attack at them, and they dodge. Gene pulls out a big gun and fires it, but it's stopped by the pirate. Gene pulls out his Castor gun and fires it, vaporizing the pirate. Outside the farm, Hilda shots Gene and tells Jim to come with her. She tells him to take a trunk out and put it in the car, but Gene comes up behind Hilda and put his gun to her head, wanting to know what's in the trunk. Hilda wants to know how he survived, and he says he was saved by his beeper. Gene tells Jim to open the trunk, but it's locked. Gene tells Hilda to open it and she says 'VSD02C.' The trunk opens and a woman is seen inside. To Be Continued...