(c) Starlight2098 2000
PAIN (Sociology and Pain, part 8)

I'm not big on spite, or contempt,
If anyone wants to know anything,
or want's to use the characters or
background, ask me and specify
why and how, I'm nice.

 Jez got out of the squad-car and ran into the hospital, the fox
following ten seconds behind.  Quickly reaching the reception desk he
felt like exploding...  That same tigress was sitting there,
"Second floor, turn right from the stairs, third on the left," she told
him quickly, he nodded and ran past to the stairs.
 His heart and mind raced, he was horrified, scared and hurt all
at once...  Sprinting up, he reached the second floor quickly, and
skidded across the corridor to the third door on the left...
 Bursting in, he stopped dead and gasped...  Grey, with various
tubes and cables connected to him, a few other peices of equipment
around, looked up at him slowly, and smiled... Jez breathed raggedly,
Grey looked half-dead... there was no sign of a wound, that bad probably
been fixed already...  but Grey looked TERRIBLE.
 The room was a blank white cell with one entire wall as a window
to the outside... it was just large enough to allow one bedspace.  It was
dismal... sterile.
 "Jez..." he said fainly, "come closer, would you?" Jez complied,
shaking... "they say there isn't enough blood safe to use available..."
Jez was crying already... he listened intently though... "if they don't
get any... I'm going to die."  The finality and seeming ease with which
Grey had said that was painful...
"How..?" he asked tearfully,
"Jiffy... got carried away..." Grey grimaced, "during sex."  The words
hit Jez like lances...
"Jiffy!?" Jez wailed disbeleivingly... "but how!? why!?"  Grey didn't
reply... "willingly?" he asked... Grey nodded grudgingly...
 That fox was standing at the door...
"Yee... why are yee standin' there..?" Jez asked tearfully... being eaten
from the inside out..."
"The name's Rafa by the way...  I think I'd better ask questions... for
both their benefit..."
"Ask away," Grey said tiredly...
"Jez... I think you'd best leave the room... you may not want to hear
some of this shit..."
"Aye ah dae..."  'Rafa' sighed and stepped closer...
"Stay if you want, but it can only hurt you," he said sincerely...
 Rafa resumed his attention to Grey and sighing, leant against the
"So..." he began calmly, "you're Jiffy's mate..." he waited for a reply,
but one didn't come, "how do you feel about her?"  Grey grimaced, and
looked at Jez, who was looking right back, intently...
"I love her," he replied grudgingly...
"What kind of love?"
"I want to be hers... and she wants me."
 Jez hung his head and continued listening, Grey fell silent.
"Jez, leave the room, for all our sakes," Rafa said sadly... Jez pulled
himself up and bit by bit, slowly out of the room.  Rafa sighed again and
"A predator-prey relationship.  I take it that it's quite passionate..."
"Yes," Grey nodded...
"Does she bite?  Draw blood?  Play with you in a nasty way?"
"Almost every time..."
"How is she the rest of the time?"  Grey sighed,
"She's sweet... really nice... she's quiet, but she's sharp... you can
see it in her eyes..."  Rafa looked thoughful and considered quietly...
 "How did your relationship start?"
"We were friends in high school..." Grey sighed, "then one year... she
had her first REAL mating cycle... I didn't see it at the time...  It
started off with her getting to know me better... then she was a really
affectionate friend... then she became, from my perspective, wierd."  He
grimaced as he remembered the events... "she started following me about..
getting more and more dominating... I started to shy away, that REALLY
got her going... then one day... she finished the cycle..."
 Rafa was silent... he was considering the facts, but it was
obvious already, he sighed and decided to tell him the truth... no reason
not to.
"Morphs of all species, have some individuals with stronger instincts
than others... Jiffy obviously has VERY strong drives... in a lot of
ways..." he grimaced... "pretty much most of the time actually, from what
you've said, and what I've observed... she's a wild animal."
 Grey didn't reply straight off... he looked thoughful himself...
"It fits..." he sighed at last...
"She's got the best of all worlds in you... her strong predatory AND
mating instincts...  She's in season right now... I can smell it... no
wonder she's dangerous..."  Grey groaned...
"There isn't anything I can do about it is there?" he sighed...
"No," Rafa replied, with his head hung.
"Full circle..." Grey sighed, and drove his head into the pillow.
"What do you think you'll do about it?" Rafa asked nervously...
"Live with it..."
 Rafa sighed and walked out of the room, noticing the ferret
huddled up on the opposing wall...
"There's seats there..." he said cautiously...
"Fuck off man," Jez replied bitterly...  Realising that was probably as
much as he'd get out of the ferret, he walked past and down the stairs.
                             *      *      *
The police station, about five minutes later.
 Rafa walked into the cell with the vixen in it, gazing wistfully
at the huddled ball of ruffled red fur and tears in the corner... he
couldn't help but feel his heart miss a few beats...
"Grey still wants you Jiffy... he still loves you..." he said calmly.
She looked up, looking as much of a raw scared animal a morph could be...
"and this..." he continued softly, "is just an accident... it's just
something that can happen... you're not the first fox in the universe to
have strong vulpine drives..."
 She sniffled, and sighed, and managed to force out a sentence,
miserable, riddled with sniffles,
"I don't want to hurt him..." she moaned and cried harder...
 Without a word he walked over and sat besides her...
"Jiffy," he said gently... "every fox bites their mate... every fox has
indulged themselves... as a predator... and every fox follows their
natural cycle..." he stroked her gently across the head, "I get
passionate, and violent...  Accidents DO happen but we can't blind
ourselves to love with that..."  He hugged the helpless creature and
continued...  "You have a good lover... he's gone through hell already,
you might have killed him twice, do you know how terrifying that is..?
But the fact is... he still wants to be yours..."
 She quietened up, and in the gloom... there was plenty of space
to think... plenty of quiet... she seemed to brood quietly...
 "I don't deserve him..." she said at last...
"You do," he gave her a light peck of a kiss on the side of the head...
"I know, and not only do I know that... but I know you need him... you've
got hot and heavy instincts... and you need him to sate them... not only
as a vixen, but as a predator too..."
"And what about Jez?" she asked suddenly,
"He's a poor bastard caught up in this... as for him and Grey..." he
sighed, "he's going to have to forget it."
                             *      *      *
 Jez inched back into the room... he'd had a long think... he'd
heard almost every word... and Grey didn't know it.  He looked over the
frail, injured form, looking into his eyes as he looked up to see the
ferret...  Jez grimaced...
"So this is it then," he sighed weakly...  Grey gulped and didn't move...
his expression betraying his hidden tears...
 Jez moved swiftly and was quickly on top of the squirrel, who
didn't move, didn't make a sound... he sighed...
"I though you loved me..."
"I do..." Grey squeaked... hurting...
"Ye seem to like her more..."
"She's the one that'll get hurt!" he shouted weakly, his words coming
quickly... "she's the one who NEEDS me Jez... I... WANT you..." Jez
sniffed, Grey looked aside... "but," he sighed, "I can't have you..."
 Jez looked at the sweet features and felt himself sink in...
Crawling up the small slim body a foot he grabbed the squirrels head,
twisted it round to face him, and kissed it gently at first, until he
could prise the mouth open with his tongue and fit his mouth over Greys,
french kissing the squirrel until both were out of breath.
 As he drew back... they looked into each others eyes and Grey let
a tear fall... so much was said and so little done...  Jez got off him
and walked out of the door.