Love in the eye of the Storm   (part 1 of ?)

Written By Xan Steel. Protected By Copyright.

He stood 7ft tall, and he had a body full of muscles that would rip his prey apart in under 30 seconds. A tail about 3ft long and a fine coat of solid white fur that most of his kind would die to have on them. He had long silver hair on his head having never been cut in 10 years. Claws perfectly cut and shaped and well taken care of.

His name is Lightning, and he is a White Wolf. His mother had given him that name the day he was born, because a storm was raging outside that day. His mother was having a hard time trying to push him out when a bolt of lightning peeled though sky and hit the front door of his family’s den. She told him that the sound scared him so bad that he tried crawling back inside of her, and tearing the walls of her uterus so bad that she could no longer bear pups. His mother said that he was a special wolf, being the only White Wolf born into a family of Gray Wolves. She had told him the legend of the Spirit Wolf many times, but his father would hear nothing of it, saying that his color didn’t matter, and that he was just like the rest of the family.

At the age of 5, Lightning found a female bunny named Eve. They hit it off as great friends. One day she took him to meet her family, all 12 of them. Her mom and dad looked at him and knew he was special and welcomed him with open arms. Of course the rabbits knew  the legend of the White Wolf, So they had no fear of Lightning.

A few years passed and his father took him out for his first kill.  Lightning of course hated killing, but understood it was necessary for staying alive and feeding a family.  They came to a clearing and a small pond. His father spotted a rabbit about 20 yards away. Lightning looked and saw it was Eve. He quickly turned to his father and asked if he could hunt it down. Surprised by his sons boldness he agreed to let him hunt the rabbit. Lightning went for some brush and started to move towards her. He sniffed the air to make sure he was down wind of her and caught a sweet spicy scent. He followed the scent toward her. He was about 10ft away when the wind picked up a good whiff of it and blasted it in his face. The smell was intoxicating, and he just then realized that she was in her first heat. He felt something get very hard and hot and looked down at himself and realized that his wolfhood was wanting to hump her. He shook the thought from his mind and started to think at the task at hand before his father started catching on to who has was about to not attack.

Eve heard a whisper that was barely audible
“Eve, Don’t move!”
It was Lightning she knew the voice of course, but what was he up to?
“When I tell you.... Run home as fast as you can.” Lightning said.
Then it hit her. It was his first hunt and she was going to be the pray if Lightning do not find something else to get  before her, because his father would be watching him.
A few Seconds passed and then his father heard him step on a twig.


The rabbit bolted, and his son hot on it’s heels.

She ran around the back of the pond toward  her home. Lightning was still on her heeling barking and trying to nip her. She liked the thought of him nipping her, but she remembered that she was in season too. They played like this sometimes practicing in cast she was found on the day of his first hunt so she knew he would not harm her. She was panting and sweating all over. She crashed through some under brush and into the forest, still going home.

He ran through some brush and slowed down just a bit to make her feel like she was getting away. He could smell her sweet sweat in the wind. How he hated having to find her on this day. She dashed through some more brush and he followed suit. Again he followed her to some more brush, but as he jumped to get her she ducked under the bush into a hole and disappeared. Before he landed he saw what kind of bush it was. A THORN BUSH. “Clever girl “  he thought. He was already in flight and could not stop.

“This is gonna hurt” he said. When he landed He howled so loud that Eve heard it through the ground and knew what had happened. She stopped to look out side and Lightning turned to her and said “GET OUT OF HERE, MY FATHER COMES!”   She bolted back in the tunnel and watched him yelping in pain, and as she watched she started crying for him.

Lightning saw a Buck jump out of the thorns and decided that he was going to kill that deer before his father came. He took all the strength he could muster and jumped. Pain ripped through his legs, but before he would let them quit on him he bit into the bucks neck and ripped out its throat. The buck was dead before his father came running at top speed to help his son. His father stopped and saw what his son had killed, and Lightning collapsed on the ground from the pain and blood loss.

Lightning awoke in his bed at home with his mother tending his wounds. “You did wonderful my son you have made your father very proud of you, and we all have enough food for a month.” She licked him on the cheek and he fall back to sleep.

A day went bye and he finally woke up. His legs still in pain, but healed for the most part. his fur was still matted down so he decided to go and clean up a bit before coming out and eating. So he headed for the wash room. He filled the stone tub with water from the stream from behind the den. He started washing himself with his mother’s homemade soap. He was able to get off all of the blood that didn’t come off with a rag. Lying there in the tub, He thought of Eve and started to think of a way to thank her for helping him not catch her. After a while he got up and dried off and went to the living room. His mom was there sitting on the sofa. She looked up at him and asked “How are you feeling son?”

“My legs are in slight  pain, but other than that I’m hungry.”

“Hahaha! You were born hungry Lightning, and would you like some of what  mom cooked from your first kill?” she asked.

“Hmmm....sounds good to me.” Lightning said.

She got up and went to the kitchen and pulled out a plate already for him. It smell delicious, and tasted wonderful. When he finished he thanked his mom and went for a walk. He got to the small pond his father had taken him to the other day a laid in the sun to warm himself. A few minutes went by and he started smelling that wonderful sweet spicy scent again and stood up to see if Eve was around.

“Eve are you there?” he called out.

Eve came running to him and wrapped her arms around him crying.

“I’m soooooo sorry I did that to you.” she meeked out.

“Don’t  be, I want to thank you for scaring out that buck. If it hadn’t been for you, my father would not have been proud of me for killing it.” Lightning said. She backed away a bit and looked up at him.

He looked back at her and with out thinking he licked the tears from her cheeks. She looked at him with in awe. She liked it, and wanted more. He looked into her amethyst eye’s and started feeling something that he never thought he would feel for her. She tried to reach up to him and kiss him. He saw what she was doing and decided to meet her in the middle. They kissed for the first time. There worlds exploded with pleasure they had never experienced before. They felt for the first time that they had fallen in love with each other. As they kissed it grew deeper and deeper till they were twining there tongues together. His arms wrapped around her and started exploring her body. She did the same to his body. As he reached her rear he firmly grab it, and lifted her up to his highth.

“Oooohhhh.........”. she called out in his muzzle.

She could feel his hot stiff shaft against her belly as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She started rubbing up and down on his penis, causing him to fall to his knees and back on his back. She straddled him there on the ground looking lovingly into his beautiful pearl gray eyes. Her hands slowly rubbed over his chest and stomach. It sent an electric thrill through him as he shuttured under neath her. She slowly moved her hands to his penis, and lightly took the back of one finger and slowly ran it up the length of his penis. He convulse under her touch, because her hands fur was short and silky soft. She lightly grab his penis, and slowly worked it up and down making it harder and longer.

Aaaaaaahhh.......ooooooooohhhh...... yeeeees. She started picking up speed rubbing it faster and faster. She could feel it throbbing in her hand. She went down and took 2 of his 6  inches in her mouth and started sucking him.

He could feel her sucking him good and hard. His penis was throbbing so hard as his climax hit hot and fast. She opened her mouth, and let it hit her in the face. His hot seed on her face and in her mouth felt good. Still rubbing his penis and seeing the seed on it she went down again and cleaned it off. When she got done cleaning she moved back up to his face and he bent up and cleaned off her face of his seed. He rolled her over and started licking her nipples. Every now and then he would nip them make her cry out. “Oh my ooooo.” Then slowly and gently he moved down to her love licking her all the way. When he got to her love he let his tongue explore her deep inside.

“Aaaaaaahhh......yeeeeeeees.......yeeeees....” she called out.

She could feel his jaw open and his hot breath on her love, and then he gently closed his jaw around her love and pushed his tongue so far up inside her that her climax hit fast and hard.

She exploded into his mouth and around his face. He started licking and cleaning her love up of her sweet juices that she had given him.

He slowly moved back up to her face to kiss her and she leaned up and licked his face clean. He slowly parted her legs wanting to give her his hot stiff shaft of love to her. She gave in to him and let him give her what she wanted so bad. To be filled with his seed. She felt the tip of his penis start to penetrate her love, but then........ she felt nothing.

She heard yelp a few feet away and opened her eyes to look, and saw his father dragging him away. He looked back at her with his eyes full of sorrow from being pulled away from her. She looked at him with a longing in her eyes, and then she got up and ran home crying.

His father dragged him home and threw him on the couch.

“Why would you mate with a rabbit? IT’S YOUR PREY!You are suppose to eat her.” his father yelled.

“But I did eat her and man did she ever taste sweet.” Lightning said with a huge grin in his face. His mom covered her mouth to hold back from laughing, and his three brothers just smiled at him, and his sister giggled. At a loss for words his father yelled at him again. “GO TO YOUR ROOM! If you can’t find a bitch to mate with then I will find one for you.” his father finished.

Lightning got up and went to his room and closed the door. His father left  the den and went outside. When his father left his mother, three brother, and his sister came into his room asking who she was. It came as no surprise to who he was in love with. They all but his father were happy for him.

That evening his father brought a bitch home. Pointing to his son’s room she turned and walked to it and went in. After the door was closed his mother spoke.

“He won’t be able to perform for her. It isn’t fair to either of them.” she said to her mate.

“Oh and is it this stupid legend you keep talking about?” he asked in a angered and arrogant tone.

Lightning looked at the female for a minute. He could smell that she was in heat. She slowly walked over to him and sat on his bed. Her scent was overpowering, but alas it did not arouse him. She gently laid him down and straddled him and kissed him. He kissed her back but felt nothing coming from her. She took her hand and started stroking him to get him hard, but it didn’t work.

Back out in the living room his father sat on the couch when he heard a yelp come from his son’s bedroom.

“Well, it sounds like he’s having a wonderful time.” his father said.

His mother knew different, it was a yelp of pain. Five minutes later four ear shattering yelps shoot through the air. Tears started growing in his mothers eyes. She got up and headed for her sons room.

Her mate stopped her. “What do you think you are doing?” he asked

“Putting a stop to this.” she said.
“I don’t think so. He will mate with her even if it kills him.” he finished.

The word kill laid on her ears. Anger and rage exploded inside her. She grabbed the throat of her mate and picked him up off the ground.

“If he dies, then you will die with him.” She said with eyes ablaze. She tossed him away like a rag, and he hit the wall of the den and was knocked out. She reached the door of her sons room when she heard a crash of the inside. With all her anger she kicked the door down, but it didn’t stop the bitch. The bitch raised the nightstand she had grabbed posed to kill Lightning with it. His mother jumped and grabbed the nightstand out of her hands. “YOU BITCH!!” his mother yelled and slammed it across the bitches back causing her to fall, coughing. His mother picked up the bitch by the throat and carried her out of his room. As she was walking to the front door she told her three other sons and daughter to help Lightning. The three brothers ran into his room to help,and the sister grabbed the water basin and a small towel.
As his mother got to the front door with the bitch in her hand. She heard another crash and the sound of broken glass and her daughter screaming. She flung the bitch out the door and ran back to her sons room.

Her daughter grabbed her mother and buried her face into her chest sobbing greatly.
She moved in to look at her son. And there lying on the floor in a pool of blood was her son whispering “I’m sorry.” , over and over. Tears filling her eyes as she looked him over. His right ear bitten off, his beautiful face cut and scratched and bleeding, his chest broken and falling in on its self, his strong back ripped to shreds and bleeding horribly, his long beautiful tail savagely kinked and broken in four places, his legs broken, and his loins....”Where are his loins?” his mother asked and then she remember the blood on the bitches face and the smile she had. “SHE ATE HIS LOINS!!!!!” she cried out. Sobbing with her daughter

“So, how did it..........” his father walked in and saw his son and wept for him. He walked out of the den and howled at the moon a sorrowful howl, and the forest seemed to weep with him.

Eve was outside with her family when they heard the howl.
“No!” her father said
“Whats is it father?” Eve asked
“I must go to the home of Lightning, he’s been hurt.” he finished.

To be or not to be.....continued????

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