About Me!

Hello, it's me again, and this is my info page. Now you can know more about me (lucky you).
This is where I tell you all the boring stuff about me. This page is just me. Well, ok, and I will add
a section on this page to tell you about my Furry char Lightning too. Ok on to more about me. =)
Sex: Yes....err....I mean Male
Love factor: Women I love women, just need one to love me. =)
Height: 6.2'
Weight: Like I'm going to tell you! *giggles evilly* Ok I weigh 230 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: That funny green color...hazel. I think that's it. =)
Race: White and tan.     (and for thoughs of us who like DCTalk I'm colored too. =) ) [colored people]
Age: One quarter of a century old (for all those out there that don't know what that means I'm 25). lol
Hobbies: I like to write, play video games (you can find me on PSO during the times of 12am est and on, most of the time),
Storm chasing if I get the chance to here, and reading, on or off line.