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What is love, is it an emotion or is it just words? Why do we as humans strive to achieve the impossible? Is it to better ourselves or to prove something to those that do not care or wish to do us harm? Why as humans do we even believe that there is someone out there for everyone and yet by the time we do find that someone we're too old or too busy to enjoy that someone? Always questions but no truthful answers to them.

Name:Darrian DreadNaught Rank:Colonel Serial No:34156 Height:6ft
Weight:200lbs Hair Color:Blond Eye Color:Emerald Green Affiliation:The Outfit
Weapons:Sword x1,Shuriken x20 Combat Style:Shadow Ninjutsu Combat Techniques:Shadow Rising Phantom Fury,Shadow Rising Berserk Fury,Kyusho-jutsu Vehicle of Choice:The Starship ShadowDancer

Summary-Colonel Darrian Thomas DreadNaught has now returned to the emptiness and lawlessness of space, he has decided to go back to what he has always and will be. A Ninja of the Shadow, using stealth and shadows to hide him. He carries the sword Koragrim's Fury sheathed upon his back. Mystery and the darkness are his allies for he has also forged them into a weapon by many years spent on training and learning new techniques from various masters across the galaxy. His path is still unknown. Living by the code of the ninja, he silently waits for what though? An attack or perhaps some sort of an adventure that was overheard? Tell the shadows all that you know. What secrets do you hold?

Name:The ShadowDancer Classification:Starship Model No:456821300 Hull Plating:Tritanium
Ship Color:Top half:Black,Bottom half:Metallic Silver Armament:Mag Cannons x4,Fusion Missle Launchers x2,Quantum Particle Beams x4,Relativistic Missle Launchers x2,Transphasic Torpedo Launchers x2 Shield Strength:Gravimetric Stealth Capabilities:Yes
Hyperdrive:No Jamming Equipment:Classified Engines:Quantum Slip Stream Drives Owner:Col.DreadNaught

The ShadowDancer is a sleek and powerful starship in service to the organization The Outfit, this ship is one of many ships that The Outfit has built over the past several years, its capabilities far exceed anything The Outfit has ever seen. The ShadowDancer was given to Col.DreadNaught as a gift for his services. After the ship was given to Dread, The Outfit decided to destroy the blue prints to ensure that its design could not be duplicated thus making The ShadowDancer the only ship of its kind to ever grace the lonely blackness of outer space.

Koragrim's Fury-A blade worthy of its name, it has the power and ferocity of both a black dragon and a white dragon combined. The blade shimmers different colors becoming stronger with each color change thus sometimes being able to cut down a foe with one blow, the handle is black and white making the dragon head at the bottom also black and white, the eyes of the dragon head are red at all times. Koragrim's Fury is only wielded by Col.DreadNaught and cannot be wielded by anyone else but him.