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Yes this is my art section...most of the art is pretty crappy...anyway you have two sections to choose from...
Midieval Mystic Jedi Knights or GundamVader...for thos of you who have not read the fics....GundamVader is the main saga that we all know about...this is the saga I have on the Star Wars ANIME HQ2... this section contains the art for the characters, scenes from certain fanfics, etc. The art here is very crappy and poor. At least when you compare them to my machinery drawings and my later drawings, and when i have a friend or two draw/redraw a couple of characters for me..
their sections will also be up soon...
Midievil Mystic Jedi Knights is the new fanfics saga I recently started and in hopes of it actually getting published into a book. The art in here is by far better than GundamVader Saga...I will post some art from both GundamVader and Mystic Jedi Knights up soon...I already have them scanned, copied, and hand colored...
OH! I nearly forgot! Mystic Jedi Knights will be the first fanfic serries of mine to actually get its very own websitefor the fanfics itself and its drawings...

Midievil Mystic Jedi Knights

Well thats it...leave! Explore the rest for crying out loud! Theres nothing left on this page to see!

We remove our hood before you...but you may be terrified of us... "Yes MY master..." -Darth Maul