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The Waltz Plays ON

Update: (5/30/02: The June poll is up--on time for once. Sorry for the delay in updates--between finals and the two
weeks I just spent in the UK I haven't had a lot of time to work. Six new chapters of TM will be posted by
the end of next week--I'm still looking for a summer job, so I've got lots of time to kill. :)
History is an endless waltz, so to speak.
The triple measure of war, peace and revolution goes on and on.

Welcome to Triple Measure, my hopefully not too insignificant contribution to Gundam Wing's
thriving fandom. I hereby warn any visitors to this site that I am new to HTML, so if
things periodically look a bit strange I apologize--I'll try to fix them ASAP.
In addition, since my button creating skills are somewhat lacking the link descriptions are
regrettably cryptic. As a result, I'm devoting most of this main page to explaining the contents of the
site. Although it's not a very exciting way to introduce things, I hope it'll save you all some time.

Important Announcement!!!

I've finally bitten the proverbial bullet. I need help.
To find out what I'm rambling about Click here.

A VERY Brief Overview

This site will eventually host my extremely large fanfiction epic, also entitled "Triple Measure",
in addition to shorter works written by myself and other authors.
The Information, Character and TM Timeline sections above all pertain to "Triple Measure",
while the Other Writings section contains any other works posted here. The Credits section is just that,
but in addition to the standard disclaimor and acknowledgments it also contains my links page.

Regarding The Fic Itself:

Regarding Triple Measure, please either E-mail me with comments or review on FFN.
I can assure you with all kindness that I will NOT be continuing to write this fic unless I get some
feedback. It is a huge time commitment, and while I love writing TM I can certainly find other things
to do if people don't seem to catch on to it. By the same token, thanks ever so much to
those of you who have faithfully critiqued all my work. Beyond the fun I get out of it, I write Mainly
for the practice, and getting constructive criticism really helps.

Oh, and one more thing...

You know you want to Sign My Guestbook.
Bats eyelashes alluringly.

View My Guestbook