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Sorry, We're Down Right Now!

Due to me getting a new program to make my site, I'm gonna start from scratch! I'm sorry about doing this, and I know some people might just be starting to check out the site, but I have to do this. This site has been running for nearly 3 years now and nothing is seeming to get done! I'm going to redo the site, add more stuff, and hopefully it will come back better than ever. At latest, this will take a month. If I can get on the comp often enough, the site will be back up in a week. It'll probably be between that time frame. If you are a frequent visitor to the site, then you'll hopefully be pleased w/ this information, since you've been staring at the same thing for the past 6 months! Also, those who are interested in the Gundam Wing fan fic, Gundam Star, and are willing to help out, we do still need some more writers. Contact me via e-mail and be sure to title it something like "Gundam Star Help". Or something. Well, just hang in there, there will be new stuff before you know it! Ja ne!

~The Web Mistress, Tora

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