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Manga Reviews

Azumanga Daioh

More coming soon!

Manga Reviews

Welcome to the Manga reviews section! Currently, this section is under major construction, but I do have one review available for you, and more are coming soon! Keep checking back for more reviews!

The manga reviews include:

  • A review of the storyline, characters, and overall presentation
  • A rating of 0 to 5
  • A picture of each volume available in the US
  • The amount of volumes the story spans
  • The amount of volumes available in the US
  • Any release dates

There are currently 1 manga reviews available at the moment.

Aya's standards for rating a manga:

  1. I only review a manga if I have read half or more than half of the volumes.
  2. I only review a manga if I have encountered all the important characters.
  3. I only review a manga if I have a complete understanding of the story and plot.