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1865. The Second Subjugation of Choushuu - Takasugi Shinsaku, in spite of his illness, took command of the Choushuu army and led them to victory like the god of war himself. Without seeing the dawn of the new era, he died two years later. His death poem was "I made an uninteresting world interesting." His life was such that he wrote only the first line of the poem, not the last . . .

1868. The Boshin War - Saitou Hajime was separated from the main force in the third battle of the Aizu war. Duels to the death spread around him until the last. After the new era, he took refuge in Aizu. At the time of the Seinan War, he participated in the government forces Keishichoo Battoutai. Afterwards, he lived as police lieutenant Fujita Gorou. The Shinsengumi fought on in various places in the north. The fifth unit fought unflinchingly in the Hakedata War before disbanding.


1877. Saigo Takamori's uprising in the Seinan War - Katsura Kogoro, overworked, was frequently bedridden. In the midst of the Seinan War, he died. His dying words were, "I nearly did it, didn't I, Saigo?" He died guided the country to its future even to the end--

1878. Shishio Makoto's coup d'etat - However, this battle would never be recorded in history.


Acala - Acala embodies divine wrath, the god who protects faith.  Because of his great strength, demons surrender to him, and he punishes the foolish masses who cannot be saved.


Aoiya, The - In 1854 when the black ships led by Perry came to Uraga, the previous Okashira of the Oniwabanshuu immediately suspected that it concerned not only the sovereignty but who held that sovereignty, namely the Emperor and his court.  Expecting Kyoto to be the centre of the violence, he sent Okina (Nashiwazaki Nenji) to gather information independently for the Oniwabanshuu.  He opened the Aoiya as a base; ironically the inn survived when the Edo Bakufu was destroyed.  But in the new era, as a place of refuge for those of the Oniwabanshuu unable to find work, it was very helpful.


Akabeko - Popular restaurant in Tokyo.


Aku - Evil


Aku Soku Zan - Kill. Evil. Instantly.  The code that Saitou Haijime lives by.


Bakumatsu, The - In the fifteen years between the coming of the Black Ships and the Meiji era, "Honour the emperor" "Destroy the shogunate" "Expel the barbarian" "Open the country" - amidst all these ambitions and ideals, those who carried swords were split into two, Tokugawa Shogunate and Ishin Shishi. This was the Bakumatsu!


Battou-jutsu - By whipping the sword out of the sheath, one can increase its speed twice or three-fold.  A great technique which can kill with one blow without taking a single blow from one's opponent.  It could also be called iai-jutsu (the art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent, and sheathing the sword all in one movement.)


Formless Stance - Standing without a stance but letting the sword fall naturally.


Gatling Gun - The weapon developed by the American doctor Gatling in 1861, which was the original form of the future machine gun.  Not only was it used in the American Civil War, but as a result various forms were produced all over the world.  In Japan, it was purchased in the domain of Echigo Nagaoka during the third battle of the Boshin War by the minister Kawai Tsugunosuke, and it became a grave threat to the government army.


Haibutsu Kishaku, the Anti-Buddhist Movement - In Keion 4 (the first year of Meiji), the Meiji government, in the name of accord between church and state, decreed that Shinto and Buddhism be separated to reduce Buddhism's influence.  However, as the general public embraced this form of anti-Buddhism, it resulted in a storm of Buddhism oppression and the destruction of countless temples, altars and texts.  It is known as the Haibutsu Kishaku.


Haisui no Jin - one who prepares to exhaust all his strength, who cannot recover if he fails.


Hakujin no Tachi - One of Shakkuu's later killing swords made after refinement after refinement.  It was forged to be as thin as possible while maintaining the strength of the blade.  The tip is slightly weighted so the slightest flick of the wrist can direct it.


Ikedaya affair, The - June 1865.  After setting Kyoto ablaze, Ishin Shishi extremists assassinated the important members of the Bakufu who opposed them at Ikedaya inn.  The emperor was transported to Choushuu.  Here, where they were holding a secret conference to raise an army, the Shinsengumi countered the plan for a strong attack.  It's known as the Ikedaya affair.  Although the unit of assassin's called the Miburo were hated, they risked their lives to protect Kyoto from the great fire.  It was the Shinsengumi's greatest achievement, making their unique fighting ability legendary.


Jinchuu - “Even if Heaven spares you, we will bring you to judgement” An expression the total opposite of Tenchuu.


Jutsu - Technique


Katsura Ikumatsu - A Kyoto geisha and Katsura Kogoro’s lover, who became his wife after the Restoration.


Katsura Kogoro - The young leader of the Choushuu Ishin Shishi, active as the leader of a substantial province. Later joined with Saigou Takamori and Satchou Doumei to bring about the downfall of the shogunate. One of the Ishin Triumvirate.


Ken - Sword


Kenjutsu - Sword Technique


Kiosaka - This hill's name comes from the neighbouring houses of Kishuu, Bishuu and Ii.  It originated with the wall built around the daimyo's mansions, and both long ago and today it is one of the best districts in Tokyo.  Okubo Toshimichi, the most powerful man in the Meiji government, was travelling along this road by coach on the morning of May 14, 1880.  Unknowingly awaiting his destiny.


Kyoto - The city at the centre of Japan, is a centre of arts as well as that of Japanese Buddhism.  It has been the capital ever since the Tento dynasty in 794 and so was called the Thousand Year Capital.  The colour and brilliance of its seasons make it the city most suited to the word elegance, but under the surface, when it was called the Demon City and Chimim-ouryou from the Taiko swaggered through its streets, it became a centre of war where plague and famine were spread many times.  During the violence of the Bakumatsu, not a day went by without a spray of blood or a freshly severed head, until it seemed like it was a road of violence to a battlefield on a map of hell...


Mary Ruth Case, The - In 1872 a Chinese coolie deserted from a Peruvian ship lying at anchor in Yokohama. When it became clear that the ship, the Mary Ruth, was a slave ship and that the coolie had been cruelly treated, the Meiji government liberated him at his trial, showing the world that it was a nation that respected human rights. Peru retorted that Japan had prostitutes living as slaves in the pleasure quarters. Faced with this contradiction, the government eventually stated that if prostitutes were to be human beings whose freedom had been stolen, then one might as well say it was wrong to demand payment for the cattle and release them. Issuing an emancipation proclamation in this spirit, so far strayed from the rest of humanity, would be just as logical.


May 14, 1878 - The incident at Kiosaka.  Japanese history states that the most powerful man in the Meiji government was assassinated in broad daylight.  The assassins were seven discontented Ishikawa samurai.  And so, the existence of Shishio's faction, who took advantage of the prior notice of the assassination attempt, was never revealed.


Meiji Toukai Way - Connecting Nihon Bridge to Kyoto Sanjouoo Bridge (a distance of 492 kilometres) the Toukai Way was an important road from ancient times.  However, in Meiji 5 (1872) railroads were being laid from Shinbashi to Yokohama, so the number of people who travelled the country on foot was decreasing.  Odowara is the first big city on the way from Tokyo.  It lies just before ht most dangerous pass, the Hakone-Goe, so it's usual for travellers to spend the night there before going on.


Miburo - At the time the unit was formed, they were stationed at the village of Mibu, so they were called the Wolves of Mibu or Miburo.


Mokuhou - A simple gun used in the first part of the Bakumatsu.  Although the barrel is of oak and the balls of clay, it carries as much force as a normal gun.


Mount Ueno - A large hill standing on the north-eastern side of Tokyo, where the Battle of Ueno in the third stage of the Boshin War was fought.  Even in the modern age, the people of downtown Tokyo are very fond of it as one of the famous sights of Tokyo, with Kanei Temple at its peak and Shinobazu Lake at its base.


Nikaidou Heibou - This form of kenjutsu is made up of three forms, the one, eight, Battle of Aizu - When the domain of Aizu didn't recognise the new government, they were declared enemies of the Emperor, resulting in the fourth battle of the Boshin War.  Young and old, man and woman, all the people of Aizu fought together even through the siege.  In the end though, the modern weapons of the government army proved superior, and they were overcome on September 22, 1868.  As the domain of Aizu had worked as a guardian of Kyoto peace, controlling the Ishin Shishi by setting up the Shinsengumi, it was a long time before the cruel oppression of the new government was lifted...


Nishiki-e - Coloured woodblock prints of 'the floating world' were called nishiki-e in Edo.  In Edo times the pictures were mainly of landscapes or popular actors.  Entering the Meiji period, various types of pictures were drawn as the culture became that of the masses.  Today, they are an important means of telling us about Meiji culture and customs.


Ohagi - mochi (white sticky rice balls) covered in anko (sweet bean jam).


Oiran - the highest rank of prostitute in the entertainment district.


Oniwabanshuu - Spies of the Edo period who would probably be called a kind of ninja today.  Composed of those skilled in the arts of combat, they concealed themselves as shadows throughout the Shogun's and daimyo's estates to protect those within.


Opium - The oldest drug, made from the dried juice distilled from part of the poppy flower.  Similar to morphine, it causes terrible withdrawal symptoms.  At the time, it was forbidden throughout the country as a strong drug that could destroy a country.


Renbatou - A double-bladed sword.  Even if the sword misses a vital spot, the wound would still prove fatal as the opponent receives two equal wounds at the same time making it difficult to stitch up.


Sakabatou - Reverse bladed sword where the sharp side is in the place of the blunt and vice versa.


Sekihoutai, The - A group formed in from the masses directly after the battle of Tobafushimi, in 1868.  They marched to Edo head of the government army, to investigate the allied provinces on the way and to act as a spearhead, urging support.  The First Regiment, led by Sagara Souzou, marched north by the Tousan Way, spreading the new government's proclamation that land taxes would be cut in half.  However, the government didn't want to keep their promises and declared the Sekihoutai a false government army and beheaded Sagara Souzou, charging him with the crime of leading the populace astray.


Shin - Heart


Shinken Stance - From the seigan, both arms are raised high and extended.  The sword is held straight and horizontal, the point level with the opponent's forehead.  One can adapt to change in the opponent's movement.  One of the solid defensive stances of old-style kenjutsu.


Shirobeko - The sister restaurant to the Akabeko.


Shukuchi - a rare body technique by which one springs from initial speed to top speed through great strength of the legs, penetrating the range of your opponent in an instant.  It is spoken of widely among the schools.  To the layman, it looks as though the distance between the two fighters had suddenly shrunk, hence the name.


Suntetsu - A concealed weapon. A sort of Japanese brass knuckles.


Takasugi Shinsaku - Essentially the second in command in Choushuu. A battle-loving man from the most active of the Choushuu factions, he succeeded in unifying the province in forming the Kiheitai to topple the Bakufu.


Tenchuu - The judgement of Heaven.


Wakizashi - Short sword.


Zanbatou - A giant sword developed during the Sengoku era with the aim of killing both horse and rider when fighting a mounted opponent.  Among the various types of swords it is the largest and the heaviest.  Because of the weight, it's said that no-one can master it perfectly.